Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I went out to Swords there earlier in the car. I had to pick up a piece of musical equipment from the nice man who has the music shop in the Plaza. Swords was quiet enough though there was a bit of a queue outside Penney’s.

Seeing as I was that far I thought I’d swing by to Airside to get a piece of kitchen equipment that I needed in Home Store and More. As soon as I got to Airside I realized why Swords was quiet. Everyone had gone to Airside. I joined what I thought was the queue for Home Store only to be pointed in the direction of a line of people hundreds long trailing all the way across the car park. I left immediately and got what I needed in Meadows and Byrne at Northern Cross.

I was reading this morning that in the past month America’s national debt has increased by nearly $1 trillion, which brings it beyond $26.2 trillion total. That’s 128% of GDP.

It looks as if the US government has gone nearly $3 trillion further into debt since 1 March 2020, which works out at approximately $9,000 for every person living there. Everyone received a $1,200 cheque, so what happened to the other $7,800?!

On an inflation adjusted basis, the US government will spend more fighting Covid-19 than it spent fighting every single 20th century war, plus the 21st century Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. That is insane, and I’m sure it’s no different in many other countries.


We hid under the bed for World War 2

Had my first meal out in 4 months there. Lovely meal in the House in Howth. Great to be back to normal


Anyone wearing masks between morsels? I was in a big shopping centre today for the first time since March and there was a big increase in people wearing masks I thought.

No. Grand spacious room with a lot of space between tables.

I was in Newbridge and Portlaoise today. Huge amount of masks around

I must meet you for a coffee some day old stock. You ever drop into Kelly Lous?

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In Parkside? Most Fridays

As would I in the olden pre Covid days.

Incredible to think two internet giants such as ourselves have crossed paths.

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What did you order?

I can’t believe you went and had a meal without updating the ravenous or restaurant threads.

I had a prawn taco followed by a summer vegetable curry with falafel. I had a glass of Picpoul de Pinet.

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Is that a pear, mate?

Yeah with vennison

Oh deer




Negative test for the Mrs.

Getting onto the mother now to stick 12 Peroni in the fridge and to take some dead animal out of the deep freeze. I’M GOING HOME :brendan:


Ah lovely

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