Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Delighted for you pal. Even if you are leaving one cultural wasteland to travel to another one. Mind the road, and watch out for tractors.


Hup ourra dat!

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Great news mate a savage loves his native shore and all that👍

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Great news. When did she get the test? Must have been a quick turn around if you had to wait to ring your GP yesterday?

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How are they gonna mange split classes next year? Pupils in school every second day and doing home assignments every other day? - There’s pro’s and cons to that but a lot of students in 5th/6th need structure and to be gently pushed — Dont know if i’d be happy about it if I had a LC child … @ironmoth @ciarancareyshurlingarmy - do you have LC this year, what’s the craic?


Most parents will be banging away at laptops themselves WFH.

Exactly. Research has confirmed that informal homeschooling is a powerful and effective method of learning, and it challenges many of the assumptions relating to educational theory.

What’s the thinking behind it?

We have got the letter through from school here, class split in 2 with one group in Mon, Tues and alternate Weds, other group in Thurs and Fri. It will be some bit of much needed structure but not sure how long that approach can last.

When not standing behind printers.

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How the flip are they making a call on it now sure there were no guidelines released yet was there?

It’s a school in the North. No confirmed guidance yet from Stormont but the schools here have used their own initiative to give parents some degree of certainty. Kids are to be back in class in 6 weeks time so parents had been putting pressure on principals to get a plan in place.

Fair play that seems the right way to go. A lot of rabbit in the headlines stuff going on down here


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Here’s a Rabbitte in the headlines:

Test 3:25pm yesterday, result 1.45pm today


Thats a great turn around. If they keep that up, find a solution to the issue you ran into and contract tracing app opening up fully shouldnt be a big issue

When did she present with symptoms?