Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Rang Saturday morning but only got out of office doctor who didn’t have system to refer. Rang her own GP first thing Monday

4 days so. Farcical

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Great work, systems working so

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Was she embarrassed that she nearly scuppered your plans and she only had the sniffles?


The man is getting to go home, and you’re trying to start a row.

Any excuse to get out of going to Tipp. She nearly pulled it off too.


Have you had a bang on the head and completely forgotten how the internet works?

No. I was only trying to start a row with you.

Positive test rate is 0.5 per cent or so.

:joy::joy::joy: I gave that a like

The amount of screaming Marys in the country is shameful

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All juniors now working or in 3rd level. Nearly done


Very comprehensive report here from yesterday’s Irish Times on the EU recovery fund. This seems as good a place as any to post it. The report seems to leave out one very important detail, which is that Ireland will contribute much more to the 7-year EU budget than we get back. €15.7 bn in fact.

Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Austria and Sweden all objected to the budget and have gotten rebates. Ireland did not, so we pay the full whack. Lovely. €44k is currently owed by every person in the State, and this new debt will ratchet that up another few notches.

Team GB is saving itself a whopping €80 bn (cc. @Tassotti) thanks to Brexit.

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Now he’s a Brexit cheerleader :rofl:

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Your posts add zero value to the discourse, and if I’m being brutally honest, they are very, very tedious. Can you go back to posting your yarns, like the one about how worn your old lady’s muff is? At least there is a minor entertainment value attached to posts like that.

I’m here in Carroroe, or however you spell it, in Connemara. Spending a night on Lettermore. The whole gaelteacht has been wiped out, no students, no pubs or restaurants. The people are going destitute. We need to reopen the pubs now.

Edit: the bnb we’re staying in, we’re the first guests that the bean an tí has had all season because her guests are usually parents visiting their kids in the gaelteacht. You can hear the pain in her voice, it’s like talking to Peig Sawyers. Heartbreaking.


What is the stated policy of the Irish Government? Eradication or suppression? These fucking apes haven’t a notion. To be honest, all this dithering has done irreparable economic damage at this stage. When the real effects start hitting in the next 3 to 6 months it will be carnage

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We’re in no man’s land.

There’s no end game. The aim seems to be to limp along at 10-20 cases forever.


Life is going on for many many people you absolute gom of a man.

I thought that too until I met my Bean an Tí, Úna. Her livelihood had been completely wiped out, what’s she going to do? You can’t be an Alright Jack.

The saddest thing of all was that Úna was wearing a face mask and spraying me with disinfectant because she’s such a good Irish woman.

I’m fighting hard the temptation to say that it’s like famine times on Leitir Mór.