Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

No it’s not.

What’s happening is completely unsustainable socially and economically.


We’re on borrowed time and money now. There’s going to be an incredible crash. There are businesses that took a lifetime to build destroyed.


Come and find me mcdonkey you wanker. I’m having a pint in Lahinch now. I flew into Shannon last night and signed the form “Seamus Shithead, 19 covid Avenue Kilrush Co Clare”
Lovely walk around Liscannor today.


What are the live register numbers? You seem up to date with the hole the country is in.

Do the right thing up there.

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Úna looks so scared, I’d say she’ll spend the night sleeping under the bed. They’re so scared on Leitir Mór they’re about to blow up the bridge to the mainland, like the British Army during the Troubles.

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What’s coming down the road Is going to make the last recession look like a house party

A lot of people are completely delusional on the economic and social implications, lads referencing previous recessions and how we always recover from them. There is no precedent for this, not the great recession of 2008/9 nor the great depression of the 1930s. The numbers we are seeing in terms of unemployment and failing businesses make comparisons to prior recessions meaningless.

Since this crisis began in March, 52 million Americans have filed for unemployment, and 25% of small businesses have closed. That’s one in three American workers that are now unemployed. Rather than the hoped for V shaped recovery, things are getting worse. 1.5 million new claims for unemployment last week, and it’s becoming obvious that a lot of businesses that have closed are never reopening. According to a Yelp survey, 60% of restaurants and 44% of bars that were listed as temporarily closed are now listed as permanently closed.

Meanwhile cities like Seattle and Portland have been taken over by anarchists, and local politicians have caved to their demands. Seattle city council just banned police from using pepper spray and other non lethal means of violent mob control. The Seattle police chief issued a letter to businesses and residents today effectively telling them you’re on your own.

This virus is not going away anytime soon, countries that “did so well” initially are now seeing a rapid increase in infections, Australia and Japan for example. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that unless you get to at least a 15-20% infection rate, we will just stay in a never-ending loop of opening and closing.


Half of Ireland will be in London next year looking for work in building sites

a lot of businesses have never been as busy here

people’s holiday money going on house improvements


There’s a few hundred thousand still on the Pandemic Unemployment Benefit.

And there’s thousands of jobs where there’s zero prospect of a return in the short to medium term.

Not what I asked you while addressing your drivel above?

From the Stimulus Package

There is a new apprenticeship incentivisation scheme which will provide a €2,000 payment to support employers to take on new apprenticeships in 2020.

There will also be subsidies of €7,500 paid to employers under a JobsPlus scheme, paid over two years to hire someone under the age of 30 who is on the live register or the pandemic unemployment payment.

Listen pal, all industries have bad years. Will you relax a little ffs.

Cannot get anybody to do work on a house at the moment. They are out the door.

A development site in Dublin just sold for 130m

We’ll have a vaccine by year end. Lots of logistical issues with delivery and deployment of it but once it exists fear will subside rapidly.

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We’re in Ireland though mate, not America.

yep, anything we want now is taking twice as long as normal

we had a few home improvements one, each time they apologised saying its the busiest they have ever been




I pulled the car into the bnb there a few minutes ago and looked in the living room window. Úna was watching TV, on her own, in her own house, wearing a face mask.

There will be a tiny spike of cases in Dublin, Úna will lose her business forever, Dr. McDonkey will say it’s Úna’s own fault for not washing her hands and Úna bocht will bow her head and cry.


100% since we moved house we have been getting plenty of work done plumber was supposed to be with us mid June to do our heating only arrived last Monday week similar with the sparkies. We ordered windows 6 weeks ago and they were installed on Thursday. One of the lads said to me there was now a 12 week waiting list said they weren’t as busy in the boom in the mid noughties. Now whether this is a consequence of holiday cash being spent on home improvements etc will remain to be be seen.