Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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@anon67715551 might see someone he knows there


Biting the hand that feeds.

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Have you a link for that?

The odd gastro that could pivot more towards high margin food may find that they are just as profitable with less turnover and less hassle. Not too many like that I’d say.

These guys wouldn’t be the types that would have had young @Bandage s buying dozens of VRBs, spilling them and buying more.

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I’d say some of these have been posted already.

@Locke 030420"the billionaires are stuck here in a pandemic. Why collect from them what they owe"

@Locke 260720 "proper order to screw the little guy "

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There was a time around late march where we reached peak fear. Myself and the ould fella had to tag a few calves, I entered the shed and we kind looked at each other as both wondering how in the fuck was this going to work.

He nodded, I nodded and we haven’t looked back since.


Catch me if you can gascun. Catch me and put me in prison


Good social distancing there

Stage 4…

Fucking hell :joy:

Good to see @KinvarasPassion has improved his land a bit.


God’s country. And a lovely little spindle growing in the foreground. That landscape would do the heart good.

You’ve obviously never been to Lucan mate. If only youd a mate you could visit there.

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Thanks for the PM mate. I’ll give you a shout the next time I’m passing.

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And then we’ll have the likes of @Thomas_Brady spamming the board all about how he is not going to take the vaccine.

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You were going well until this one “Accountants flat out”.

A few lads will be taking a long hard look at how much money they used to spend in pubs when this is over.


It will be mandatory to get it I presume.

I for one welcome it. All I ask for is logical and common sense measures being put in place and if they want us to wear masks or have a vaccine, please just make sure they are up to standard and not for show.
