Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You are spot on . Many will realise life is drab & short and commit to spending more in the pub .


As long as the vaccine is shown to actually work and, more importantly, is put through the standard placebo control trials you’d expect with a medicine, you’d be mad not to get it.

If the vaccine is fast-tracked to the extent that it is not put through proper placebo control trials, you’d be mad to get it.

Some gimp from a rating agency has emailed me, and no doubt thousands others on a mailing list, a “very interesting” report this morning to say that they now expect sales of coffee in coffee shops to fall in 2020 but sales of packets/jars of coffee in high street retailer type shops to grow by 5%-8% over last year, as people adjust to the “new normal” and drink more coffee at home.

Very interesting indeed.


Ah sure lookit. Productivity definitely slower for a while as people got used to WFH but output normalised fairly quickly.

Some painful bad debts coming though.

Some firms absolutely fucked. Didn’t trust their staff to WFH so left huge back log.

Cutting edge analysis.

Did I tell you I bought a coffee grinder and am now grinding my own coffee?

It’s unreal.

It’s Frank and Honest. Delightful.

I’m fond of Badger and Dodo too.


The coffee snobs hate Frank and Honest. You really need to be getting your coffee directly off a ship in Rosslare from Africa.


Yeah I saw that. I care what people think so I’ll be buying no more of it.

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Good decision, it’s piss

If you’re not roasting your own beans you’re wasting your time, the lads on @Bandage’s ship in Rosslare will sort you out for some good Rwandan stuff


I’d say there’s fellas on here would faintyou landed a jar of Maxwell House in front of them

Just having a grand mug of Frank and Honest coffee.

Love it.


You’ve confused Coffee with illegal immigrants there Verona.

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I heartily agree. On the plus side, it means I’ve more money to gamble.


This dole ban for people who go on holidays is hilarious. Might be the most FG thing I’ve ever seen. The fucking shit Leo goes over the cliff for is absolutely bizarre.

This policy is like something you read in the comments section of the journal.


It’s bizarre … people on covid payments are now your enemy.

FG are taking the piss with this government. They know that FF need them to keep them in government, Martin is desparate to keep the government going for him to be Taoiseach so FG are behaving like kids with a subsitute teacher and are running amok. Aide de camp Leo, a car and Garda driver for Simon, Donohue throwing FF under the bus with his statement yesterday and now Leo and Humphries doing this. Not mention salad boy and his 8 advisors. Surely to fuck FF have a back bone and need to stand up to FG or are they too busy fighting amongst themselves to give a fuck.

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Michael Martin is a pathetic snilvelling rat of a man


Lads getting the 350 a week who want to go on holidays to Europe need that guide rail imposed by FG

France, Spain and Belguim are not on the greenlist so no one would be going there.

Could they not holiday in Ireland for one year? You’d swear a yearly trip to Spain was a human right the way people are going on.

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