Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Freedom to travel is literally a human right according to the UN


It is to be fair.

People not on covid payment can do what they want tho? and tourists coming in can also do as they want?

The wealthy won’t be affected fortunately

Wait - has freedom to travel been stopped?

It’s pretty much the same usual suspects on social media who have been whining for weeks about the gov needing to shut the borders who are now screaming blue murder about this.


The government are going around taking dole off people for a payment that doesn’t exist in law, for breaching a travel ban that doesn’t exist in law.


Could you show me an example of one such person?

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Again, the usual suspects cant come out and call this shite what it is.

What is it?


Nobody is stopping people on the payment travelling.

Eh I’ve certainly not been calling on the Government to shut the borders. I’m the forums chief OIUTF merchant

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A load of cock.

My understanding was that it was specifically within the terms and conditions of the pandemic payment. If they changed the terms of the dole payment without letting people know then I’d agree that’s unfair.

Anyway - everyone wanted everyone else not to travel and everyone was saying how they wouldn’t travel so how is this an issue?

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You’ve led the people on PUP down a merry path. They listened to you and now they have nothing.

Varadkar has been banging the welfare cheats drum for years now - trying to create an enemy within. This is just another extension of that - trying to divide society while he and his pals protect the landlord state they’ve turned Ireland into.

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They changed the terms of the pandemic payment this morning after Varadkar’s comments on TV yesterday. You now have to be genuinely seeking work. Solo run by Varadkar and Humphries, according to the usual journalist suspects on twitter.

They say…but what if your job still exists but the government is legally precluding you from working, e.g. bar worker? You lose your payment if you fuck off somewhere on holidays?

Or what if you booked a holiday ages ago before you lost your job and will lose the money you paid for it?

But really, it just seems a bit mad that they’re testing for social welfare at the airport.

And not Covid

It seems a bit mad to me that despite all the advice, people are still heading abroad for holidays.


Why publish a green list at all? Why not ban the flights if they don’t want people to take them?