Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Sounds like Lionel’s new book will have @caulifloweredneanderthal and his fitness fanatic cult running for cover


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How has human history dealt with pandemics and plagues before medical science? People died and the survivors were strong enough to beat it and passed on their genes. Why are we trying to beat nature

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Ah now, if it weren’t for science we’d still have widespread polio, not to speak of all the children that have been cured of various cancers. The problem is scientists shouldn’t be left in charge of anything as they are either stone mad or very conservative. This was a time for true leadership and sadly most have failed the test. Even those that were looking good in the early going like Gavin Newsome here and Merkel there, are starting to be pulled back into the pack. This thing is making jackasses out of most of them, not a hard job in fairness.


You’d wonder what real leaders like Winston Churchill would have done

Starve the Irish and Indians. Those paddys are riddled

Set up another concentration camp more than likely

Eamon Ryan needs to stand up to the junta.

That’s fantastically put. This lockdown has set a terrible precedent. Everyone will expect lockdowns for everything now. The mantra of safety first is being taken to the extreme and the entire economy is being capsized as a result


Launch an ill thought out naval invasion of the Dardanelles, cack himself after one ship is predictably sunk, then launch an even more ill thought out land invasion to hide your blushes, that involves landing your army at the base of cliffs where Turks sit overhead milling them down with machine guns?


Hidden in his bunker until the Russians had all the hard work done

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Sounds a bit like Boris

3 ladies went partying in Melbourne and brought covid back to QLD. They are hated now

The state of them :nauseated_face:

Open the curtains you fud, it’s a cod. Good on the ladies living their life.


Fair play to the GAA.


He’s a natural in fairness to him.

Won’t be long now


Ah yeah, it’ll be Xmas before they’re back open

Anyone can pick up spud hockey there is no skill involved etc.