Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

His first post lamented the deaths of doctors and nurses.

Answer the question. What do the mathematical models tell us as regards projected deaths in lockdown situations versus projected deaths in the do nothing situation you want.

You can take any country you want, the principle is the same.

Bear in mind that the higher the number of people who get infected with COVID, the higher the number of non-COVID-infected people with other conditions who die.

You can dress your posts up in any sort of language you want, but the bottom line is you are demanding to effectvely murder millions of people worldwide for your own selfish gratification.

But hey, at least you got to tell somebody on a forum they were “screaming” and “hysterical”, which I’m sure gave you a dopamine hit.

Don’t forget telling a lad he should die in the street for not wanting any of that

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the people they are trying to protect, the over 70’s, their lives are being destroyed, alone, isolated and confused, used to picking up grandchildren from school. That stuff is the highlight of their day. it can’t go on


You need to take that up with the opening poster.

Or find a post of mine where I advocated no restrictions, good luck with that.

The OP brought some valid points, responding in Sid like hysteria demeans this thread.


10% of people over 80 die each year. To spend 6 months of that locked up in your own home and watching the world through your window, no family allowed inside your door, is a terrible way to see out your days. It’s no wonder I see so many of them chatting away in the shops when I go in.


Him using the tragic premature death of Conor Connelly to try and justify leaving millions to die was one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever read.

That’s a remarkable stat.i think the average age of death in Ireland for a man is 82.

I could hear the despair in my father voice this evening, its not right, pretending everything is ok

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The closure of the churches is having a much heavier toll than is being recognised. People that age often have great faith and now they can’t even call down to the chapel for 20 minutes silent prayer with their God. A serious rethink is needed.


there must be another way

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Surely going into a church and staying six feet away from others is no more dangerous than people going shopping.

The most fascinating thing about this thread is the very lads who are most hysterical about the number of deaths are also the same lads that won’t allow any criticism of the CCP cunts who allowed the spread of this disease within and outside their borders.

Solely because of their communist sympathies. It’s a bit like lads back in the 70s who wouldn’t hear of any criticism of the USSR, in fact arguing they were the good guys. There’s still a few on here that believe that.


You would imagine if everyone pulled together you could still have church open. Leave doors open everyone sit 10 feet away from each other /short masses etc

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Apparently a death rate six times higher than normal - and that was in early March, so doesn’t take into account the appalling numbers of deaths in Italy more recently - is nothing to be worried about.

At least says the poster who started this thread.

Across Europe, excess deaths in Italy in early March were already six times higher than normally expected for the time of year. By mid-March the rates were already “very high” in Spain and “high” in England and Switzerland and, even without Italy’s figures, deaths were well above normal across all European countries participating in the monitoring exercise. These excess death statistics are going to rise further in the short term because we already have data from hospitals showing the deepening coronavirus crisis in the second half of last month.

A major issue that noone has really talked about yet is deaths that are not caused by Covid 19 but are caused by the overwhelming of the health service. Preventable deaths that aren’t prevented because the health service isn’t operating.

Those are like indirect or consequential deaths.

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You don’t even need to allow mass, just leave the doors open so people can drop in and say a prayer, whether it be for someone who has recently passed away with no funeral or just to ease some worries. My mother in law is still working away as a counsellor because people are in dire straits, but she can’t get a visit from her grandkids or call into the church for a prayer even though her faith is a huge part of her life. She has aged years in the past month. Easing the lockdown can’t just be based on the current death calculations on a spreadsheet.


Take another shot of vodka.