Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

So you think it was all okay?

Surely Nursing Homes would be safe? Eh…

Didn’t say that.


In Sweden schools restaurants and what not are still open.

Fantastic posts here from a number of posters - this debate should be everywhere, its extremely important. Its about time people started thinking for themselves rather than just watching RTE news etc. The lockdown should be absolutely kept until the end of April - but after that, it has to be looked at properly.

The economic consequences of this for the ordinary man/woman are potentially going to be devastating.


It has to be down slowly. Just a little every two weeks provided the numbers stay flattened.


We’re looking at 3 months more of a lockdown. I’m not sure if that’s overly conservative or fully warranted. I’d lean towards the later. Bar one episode, the government have been on top of this and I’m happy to follow the guidance of the experts over crying about it on the INTERNET.

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This is my dream. Advance Australia fair.

Sco mo was slow to react

He was just after putting the fires out, he needed some Me Time.

I think they are considering closing schools and some restrictions in Stockholm.

The level of stupidity on this question is off the charts as well. Most of the US is under stay at home orders, but there are areas where it is just ridiculous. If you live in one of the sparsely populated states out in the sticks miles from other people, what the fuck is the point? It should have been done in New York and other cities far earlier, but now you have lads arguing for socially isolating on Montana cattle ranches.


Setting themselves up for a victory lap if they can open the pubs earlier?

Agreed the likes of Dublin May need tougher restrictions for a little longer where the population is dense.

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No, we have a zero tolerance attitude to alcohol.


Its an unbelievable BCP test of the population…the results will be fascinating. Lot of tyre kickers could be under pressure.

There are one or two intelligent people there too.



Mate, I trust you’ve rambled north to Monaghan or south to Mammy to enjoy a more comfortable lock down.

Off licences all over the world should be closed. Alcohol should be banned.