Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

If you want to talk narratives, the main one we’ve been bombarded with for the past number of weeks has been one of hysteria around deaths. The facts don’t support it.

The Imperial College model, which Ferguson himself claimed provides “concrete estimates” (whatever they are supposed to be) of the scale of the threat countries now face, predicted a massive spike in deaths. They have not materialised, and we are perfectly entitled to be sceptical about measures apparently designed to protect us from a low probability event (huge spikes in deaths) when the measures result in a high probability event (economic collapse) that will prove to be far more damaging for humanity in the long run.


Don’t entertain this idiot. He’s one of these fellas that Denys mental health exists.

@carryharry and me go way back. We wouldn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but he’s the sort of lad you’d have an enjoyable discussion with over a few pints.

I used to think so too but after this shameful episode I’ll never bother With him again.

This is huge If true:

Even allow for churches to be left open and maybe extend the radius to 5k. Even these slight tweaks will do the nation no end of good. Obviously on the proviso the curve stays flattened of course. We are going to have to adjust how we live no matter what. Hopefully it’s true and I presume this means they are confident the curve is flattening.


You seem to be flip flopping again.

Eddie Brennan doesn’t see intercounty GAA championships getting the greenlight this year.

I don’t know what’s going g on here. Our deaths and the number of infected are climbing day after day. Granted we’re not as bad as across the water but I’m pretty sure anyone with reasonable intelligence sees all of central Europe in dire straits. Italy Spain and France account for over half the global deaths and the u.s alone accounts for almost 20% of global infections. It is widely acknowledged that we are only at the beginning of the Apex. (Some say we aren’t even there yet) . Lifting or even part lifting restrictions now is akin to lads refusing to evacuate their homes after a tornado warning and then blaming the government when their homes are wrecked.
We are on the verge of holocaust type figures here and all we have to do is stay indoors in order to contain the thing. Of course there is going g to be some knock on effects from the lockdown but until there is a vaccine our only shot of containing this thing is stopping the spread. I’d rather spend six weeks without seeing my parents then having b to bury them in a deserted cemetery.


Open the pubs you cunt bag.

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Fuck off you Cark cunt.

I’ll continue you locking down until end of the month and that’ll be nearly 7 weeks. But I’ll be supping pints in the pub on the May bank holiday if I have to break into one to do so.


I had to drive down to the vets to sort food for Brady earlier… It was great to drive and play a few tunes. Time to lift this pointless lock down.


A very noble post Mike.
My biggest concern about this whole thing is people like yourself who need medical treatment but don’t get it. Has your operation been postponed indefinitely or what is the story?

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Do t know yet kid. Tried ringing there yesterday but got no reply. I’d still be fairly hopeful I’d be sorted at some stage this month.

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Best of luck mike I hope it all works out for you :pray:

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I’m starting think this thing is overegged, some lads are gone hysterical


how many people died in ireland this same week last year?

Around 25k die a year in Ireland.