Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I heard that earlier . He seemed to be pessimistic in that regard . Hard to know . I would think no one really knows .

8,618 for the first 4 months last year.

Give or take 480 a week. You could probably seasonally adjust that where there is a higher percentage between October and April.

A winter All-Ireland would be good. All-Ireland football final on Stephenseses’ Day.

A Garda and an Inter-County manager has a fair idea I’d say.

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Was thinking the same myself

Interesting paragraph


end the lockdown

@anon78624367 will be seething.

A bit of common sense at last. Thats proper political leadership.


I want the country opened, instead of seeing my father and mother die of depression holed up and isolated from everything they love, the very meaning of their life taken away

It’s a tough call but it has to be discussed very soon here too. I’m terrified The suicide rate will go out of control.

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Qasim Khan, co-owner and head chef at a small Latin American restaurant in central Copenhagen, applauds the government’s quick decision to shut down the country, but worries that a reopening after Easter would be too early - and could actually delay a return to normal.

“You risk that our three weeks of very tough quarantine ends being worth nothing … I don’t see a reason for opening up and then risk having to shut down again,” he told Reuters news agency.

Restaurant owner Khan, with the help of his pregnant girlfriend and two remaining staff, is still keeping his kitchen open for take-away orders.

“Is it really worth risking getting ill versus shutting down the place? That has been the toughest decision,” Khan said.

It certainly is as Denmark are like ourselves unfortunately, reaching a point where our deaths will likely grow quite a bit over the next week.

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You are in your hole worried about suicide.


Okay Harry but I imagine Denmark’s thinking on this is being guided by public health experts and not a chef.


And you think the point where “deaths will likely grow quite a bit over the next week” is the time to relax the restrictions?

Good fuck.

Oh but of course but it’s all hearsay my friend.

He’s a good lad. He’s protecting his family. Many think like him but many think like us. Everyone should be respectable of everyone else’s views. Imo we need to be thinking about this Monday week.