Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Could we reopen a few more outlets, things like clothes shops and the like? Maybe even a barbers assuming hygiene and PPE is worn.

That’s a shameful thing to post tank. There’s absolutely no need for it.

there’s going to have to be a line drawn soon, are we going to be happy seeing our parents getting depressed living an unnatural and alien lifestyle forever, separated from everything they have lived and worked for, talking over a fucking wall to them, leaving shopping at the front gate, how long can that go on? for all concerned?

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I’d be thinking parks and churches first.

No I don’t, I said they are discussing it.

Because that’s being brave politically.

The reality is (as you’ve pointed out yourself) that there is a delay from the exponential growth in cases to ICU to deaths.

A lot of people like admire to the likes of Sweden and Denmark when it is convenient ie “look at the free stuff they give” but turn their head when they go on a different course. In Denmark’s case though we actually followed pretty much the same course as them and their results thus far are not dramatically different to ours, but they are having this discussion. In fairness our public health experts have been in the press talking about this today a bit (though not to nearly the same degree as discussion is in Denmark) but the fact that the Danes are discussing the economic consequences on society in this also needs to be considered.


Whatever I’m not going into specifics. Just a few little things here and there. All whilst still maintaining social distancing etc.

Oh of course just a small relaxation and continue to monitor all the figures. It’s for the good of the mental health of the nation.

Start the hurling championship 1st of July, end of. If games needs to be played in front of 1000 people so be it

Is it realistic, beneficial or even possible to keep a lockdown going for too long a period?

How low will the deaths have to go?

Season ticket holders only if need be.

It’d be something to watch, something to talk about. A release

Exactly, don’t cancel it. It’s crushing enough as is.

You do understand how this thing spreads, pal.

No spread, no virus. Let time kill it and the economy will look after itself.
Coming out of lockdown in the current global crisis means economy is in trouble regardless I’m afraid.

What we can’t have is an early stoppage of measures only for deaths to rise and another lockdown to be needed.

It’s week 1, Christ I can’t believe lads are that itchy to get out. End of April is a fair timeline and then we can check the numbers, listen to the professionals and get back to normal life hopefully.

The UK sleepwalked into this and they are looking at lockdown measures into the new year. Fuck that, suck it up and move on together. All of us.

Denmark is strictly controlling its borders, relaxing while infected cunts are strolling through arrivals would make no sense

What is? They have been openly discussing it.

Time isnt going to kill anything mate.

Lockdown till the end of April should prevent over capacity of our ICUs. After that, the pros and cons of a lockdown need to be looked at in a non emotional manner.

Otherwise we’re just delaying the inevitable of us all getting this virus or a vaccine.

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I have an idea how it spreads yes. Not an expert mind, so I may be unique in TFK.

I never mentioned the economy in my post. And I’m not calling for the lockdown to end today. But an indefinite lockdown will cause problems, and indeed deaths, that may in time become worse than COVID-19.

I’d be happy with end of April. Or at least knowing that it was being looked at.


No they’re not.

Tell that to my mate who’s stuck there and cant get home

No it isn’t week one Harry. It’s 3 weeks since scores of business were forced to shut down.

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With respect, I don’t think anyone has ever mentioned an endless lockdown.