Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Leo needs to be discussing it now and making a statement on it Monday week at the latest. On the proviso the curve stays flattened. Mental health is important. We could sit in for twelve months and the virus could still be waiting for us outside. The vaccine is likely 18 months away.

Maybe you’d prefer to see them dying, drowning, struggling to breathe. I guess not but you don’t give a fuck about other elderly, vulnerable people dying that way.

Nor did I

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Ok. Let’s go through this in easy to follow steps

Leo says we’ll look at relaxing restrictions next week. Everyone is optimistic. In the meantime we get a surge.

No relaxation. How is peoples mental health then?

Human emotion is not something that can be divorced from any of this, the lives of millions of people are at stake. Removing human emotion from this has already been tried by some shysters and failed because people saw it for what it was - a green light for a holocaust.

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Come down off the Cross ffs, those businesses couldn’t run their business properly. Publicans & the like filling it up regardless of the impending threat.

They & the general public left the Authorities with no option.

Sorry but that’s neither here nor there to the point. A huge portion of day to day life was shut down 3 weeks ago. You said it was “week 1”, no it isn’t, it is week 1 of additional restrictions.


Why would I be seething? This is basically the same thing he said the other day. Denmark are thinking about relaxing restrictions.

If you’re looking to have a go you need to try harder

He should consider a stint inside himself tbh, the mental health of Ireland’s population is disturbing him.

Week 1 of full lockdown. We are talking about ending the Lockdown.

We go again for two more weeks and look again. If there’s a surge you can’t come out of lock down. Just to be very clear I’m looking for parks to reopen and churches. Other stuff like that. No pubs for three months or anything of that ilk Esteban.

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There’s a guy in England called Karol Sikora who seems to get more upbeat by the day, as the bodies pile up higher each day.

Every day he baselessly tells people that all is fine and under control and it’ll all be over soon.

And people are retweeting him left, right and centre.

There’s a truly bizarre sort of right-wing politics attached to all these weird “it’ll be grand, it’ll be over soon” narratives.

Sikora’s background, as somebody who runs his own private clinics and has called for the NHS to be dismantled, fits neatly yet rather disturbingly into that.

stop getting hysterical. This conversation needs to be had, you are not the only one with parents or vulnerable relatives mate


Sid we are talking about Ireland.

I’m lost completely, are the edgy crowd now of the opinion that the snowflake/Mother Theresa’s are calling for an endless lockdown? This is a live process right? Nobody wants it to go on any longer than is necessary

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For someone selling the Danish model you’re remarkably ill informed about them.

They restricted travel for non residents and non essential travel march 13

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You have to remember a lot of these lads were opposed to the lockdown as well, screaming hysteria at anyone for suggesting it.

We’re talking about everywhere. This is a global problem. There’s no such a thing as the pissing and non-pissing sections of a swimming pool or the smoking and non-smoking sections of an aeroplane.

Anyone who is genuinely depressed will be loving this. They’re in their element.