Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread


Bizarre stuff tank really bizarre stuff.

Joined up thinking and open lines of communication are going to be vital at implementing exit strategies, globally.

Snowflake testing strategies make that nigh on impossible. There needs to be a unilateral testing strategy, coordinated globally

How can opening up our churches and parks impact other countries?

No, we are talking about considering lifting some restrictions and what kind of metrics we would like to see to reach that point.

I don’t disagree globally but good luck doing that with 3rd world countries.

That’s going to happen.

There’ll be incremental relaxation eventually. Just not now


The Irish have a terrible problem with drink.

If we cant do it the alternative is an extended sub par existence. Life wont be normal until this is controlled globally

Anyone feeling suicidal after a week of lockdown is mentally weak and unbelievably selfish. This epitomises society in the modern day. Generation Me.


Well that’s what I’m talking about. I think it should be looked at in the next ten days. I hope you’ve having a good weekend Esteban.

I get sea walks every day with a happy child and a good woman, I’m luckier than most


Not going very well so far, is it?

Ironically the biggest opponents of international co-operation will use the failure of international non-co-operation as fake justification for their failed ideology.

Reopening the Countries - Ireland is in Full Lockdown

3 days ago this thread was started so your point is horseshit.

There’s a world of difference between a Generation Me head saying their anxious/depressed on Instagram and someone who genuinely wants to end their life

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That’s a very misguided and such a wrong thing to say. People were feeling suicidal or depressed before the lock down. The lock down can effect them much worse but it can effect anybody really. Suicide rates were off the charts in the 08 crash. We could see something similar here if we aren’t careful. It’s been going on for three weeks now. I’m surprised you’d say something like that chucks and being honest disappointed.

A dog with a mallet up his hole could tell you that’s the way it will go for the whole world.

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We’re about 2 whiskeys from a chi-na post

I’m delighted to here that and a little jealous minus the child and that of course :joy: