Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

If not being able to go to the pub, or being forced to talk to your family is a reason for contemplating suicide then I feel that’s mentally weak.


I see labane has a new account over on :smile:

Not hysteria. Reality. If the conversation has to be had, then the people who have the right to have the conversation are the people who will be most affected. Not you

No it isn’t, please read my posts on the matter. And please actually read the article I posted.

Denmark are openly discussing lifting some restrictions from next weekend. Some of those are 50/50 opening days for schools and offices etc. It is not back to normal.

And what about people that are self isolating on their own? Who’ve lost their jobs or maybe their companies? There whole life could be turned up side down and inside out in three weeks and they’ve all day to sit inside and think about it. It’s a very difficult period mentally for many many people.This isn’t mildly amusing if you are on a wind up.

This wouldn’t have happened if we had SEGREGATED cycle lanes


Yep, and some fellas are in denial.

There was one yesterday who would regularly rail against the human cost of government austerity. This is worldwide austerity, public and private, and a fundamental change in people’s lives. And the idea that we can continue this - with “essential” workers keeping going for months is irrational.

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That’s the sort of attitude that leads to a lot of suicides. I’m disappointed tracksuit endorsed that post too. There’s still a huge stigma in Ireland about mental health.

I’d agree. But it might also have something to do with losing your job and financial security and the fact the workd is in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

There’s an incredibly dismissive tone to your post and I think you’ve shown a serious lack of understanding about how mental illness works


Look it’s horrible. We all know that. The alternative is risking a bergamo situation. That place will never be the same. An entire generation has been wiped out.

Whatever the implications on mental health simply can’t be worse than seeing citizens of Ireland carted out in coffins and loaded onto military trucks.

Doctors would never recover from making daily decisions on who gets a chance to fight for their life and who doesn’t.

This isn’t hysteria, its reality for people right now.

We have a chance for that not to be our reality, we all just have to do our part. It’s horrible. It is. But we are being asked to do our part. We don’t even really have a choice in the matter.


It’s 6.30 am and junior is about to wake up for his feed. Hence the condensed (dismissive) tone!

Who was this now?

Give it a rest mate, there are lots of people who are not mentally strong through no fault of their own.


He set up a poor me thread a few years back when his business unfortunately went belly up. He didn’t seem so tough back then. It’s a disgraceful thing to belittle people’s mental health.

Good night Esteban enjoy the rest of your weekend :ok_hand:

“Bayman81” over on for instance, nice job deleting your posts :smiley:

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I displayed incredible mental strength to return to the top within 3 years :wink:

Ok but someone suffering from mental illness may very well have been relying on a routine that is now gone.

And some people just are mentally weak at times.

now is the time for adult conversations and strong leadership

