Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Not you, don’t worry.

Ironically the same people who are pulling the mental health card now are the same people who generally don’t give a shit about mental health any other time.

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Who was it, then?

Get your head out of your arse pocket, looking for loose change for two minutes.

We are in a period of lockdown for an unknown period of time

  1. To give the health service a chance
  2. To try and control growth of the virus
  3. To give the politicians time to coordinate a viable exit strategy

We need to put trust in people making decisions right now to get this right. Theres a lot going on.

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Good thing they’ve the mentally strong to tell them their problems aren’t real

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I posted yesterday the criteria I had for lifting some restrictions. That included confidence that there was still good headroom in our ICUs and also keeping more stringent restrictions on at risk groups- precisely to avoid a situation like Bergamo. You said that was irrelevant but are bringing up that region now as your metric as what we need to avoid.

I endorsed a completely different point if you insist on bringing me into it,
It’s a balancing act, people will lose their businesses, yes, Many people will lose their jobs, mental health will be affected,
But a lot of what I’m reading and hearing is people whinging about not being able to go to the pub or get their hair cut, having to stay at home and talk to their families, if you can’t cope with that for a few weeks you’re mentally weak to start with, that’s what I endorse


I didn’t say that was irrelevant. I’ve argued for that for a while. What I said was comparing ireland and Denmark was irrelevant without knowing each ICU capacity.

Sorry but I do trust them, I trust them more than you anyway who was shrieking for weeks about them.

I said consideration of this is required and a timeline, once again you shriek. Harry lies and says this is week one. Deal with the points actually put forward and don’t tell fibs.

Once again lads, we all have people in at risk categories.

You were against restrictions in the first place and now you’re pushing for restrictions to be removed and have been all week.

I “shrieked” because we didnt do it quickly enough and I’m “shrieking” now because relaxing restrictions too early is downright dangerous.

Guess who was pushing for the two more dangerous choices?

I would love, LOVE, to see these lads in a World War


And I gave you the limited info we had, which actually said their capacity was more or less the same, whilst acknowledging this as a limitation.

And I had originally said that was a limitation. You came in at the very start with graphs which made no sense and were shrieking.

I asked why we weren’t having similar discussions as they are at a national level.

I wasnt shrieking.

You’re asking for debates and then when someone challenges you, you start attacking the man.

I haven’t been rude to you, despite the tone of your posts

Either you want a debate or you don’t

No I wasn’t.

I said you don’t bring them in too quickly and I trusted our public health experts.

I asked you, do you think our politicians aren’t having similar discussion?

this is our WW2 and lads are folding in September 1939

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But you aren’t challenging straight up.

They’re slitting their wrists on the beach at Dunkirk

Give us a ballpark figure there for what you think would be an appropiate number of daily new cases with a view to relaxing restrictions.

For me, single figures.

And obviously ICU capacity wuld have to be heavily factored into that. It seems to me that once ICUs reach capacity, they are going to remain at capacity at least for quite a while. And that’s a big problem in terms of lifting restrictions.

Here’s a thing. In the abandoned UK herd immunity strategy (which in reality is proceeding by stealth, like every other abhorrent Tory policy), one of the ideas floated was to set up mass centres for isolation of the elderly. They would literally be on their own for months while the virus worked its way through 60% of the “younger” population.

This was a “save the economy” argument. How would the mental health of the elderly fare as they lay on their own in a strange place for many months under this “save the economy” strategy, I wonder?