Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I am challenging straight up.

I haven’t accused you of shrieking. I’ve questioned the validity of your comparison with Denmark.

It turns out it was apt to do so as you weren’t aware they had restricted travel in Denmark.

You still don’t know their testing parameters.

You still should have said, Denmark are thinking about lifting restrictions and left it at that.

I don’t get why you’d use information like we have a similar sized population, the virus is spreading at the same rate etc to push a line of thought like you have, without knowing more.

Anyone would think you had an agenda

We need to fight the enemy with our bodies, and our minds.

Forget about the bookies, fuck the cinemas - we need to fight this bastard.

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When the did inserting the words “shriek”, “scream”, “hysterical” etc. in an effort to mask a lack of argument become a thing on this forum?

I’d say it was around the latter part of 2015, when coincidentally @Tim_Riggins, @labane1917, @maroonandwhite and @ironmoth were all beginning to make large numbers of posts here.

you can see a few lads here tonight have their head in their hands and can see no way out

If I recall correctly there is a 20-30 recovery period, youd have to be at least 30 days ahead of this thing to even think about opening up, and that’s with massive amounts of quick turnaround testing.

We’re still blind as to what’s around the corner based on our testing and you’ve lads bateing down the doors looking to get into pubs

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“I’m trying to have a debate with you but you’re screaming at me and are hysterical”

All I said was would you like a cup of tea

See my posts on this, this is exactly what I said.

I think some people are in the wrong thread, and think this is the main thread. It isn’t, it’s for those who are willing to step back from the hysteria and think rationally.

We have governments who ignored the threat of a pandemic, didn’t prepare for one, didn’t recognize one as it was developing, believed the absolute head in the sand rubbish from the WHO, and then when it was too late developed their response based on models from a bunch of discredited academic clowns in London. Yet somehow we should trust they are doing the right things to avoid a global depression, which would actually result in countless millions dead. I for one think that should be questioned.

The next person who says we are going to be Italy in two weeks should be taken out and beaten. Why would Ireland become like Italy, rather than say Denmark or Norway, two countries of similar population and population density? Think long and hard, are we more like Denmark as a country or more like Italy?

If this disease were as deadly as some suggest (like the WHO with their 3.4% mortality rate), considering the fact that the virus was allowed run unchecked for two or possibly three months, there would be several million to tens of millions dead already. As it is the total global number dead is the same as a bad flu season in the US. People need to calm the fuck down and think rationally.



So again, why are the Danes thinking about it with remarkably similar numbers to us? Why are the Swedes still far more open?

Is the 30 day thing an absolute for you- or would ICU capacity change your view?

Playing the victim and accusing others of “shrieking”, “screaming”, “being hysterical” etc are classic robo-conservative strategies when they’re on the back foot.

You could make a drinking game out of it.

Paddy can’t handle pressure, the first thing he does is react

You need to look at worst case scenarios over a 30 day period and include ICU capacity of course.

I’ll ask you for the fourth or fifth time, do you not think discussions are happening in our government for the same thing?

Take two shots of Drambuie.

We are all in lockdown so we wont be like Italy in 2-3 weeks. Isn’t that the point of all this? Italy is the place we don’t want to be.

Do you not get why people are being conservative here?

There’s a few lads here that have been on the gravy train all their lives. Probably the first time they’ve ever had someone tell them “No”.

The Scandinavians are mentally weak and also very cold, they don’t care about the dead.

paddy asked to stay at home for 3 weeks and watch netflix or play a jigsaw, he loses his mind

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Is the opening post of this thread an example of rational thinking that you’re talking about?

Someone saying to let the elderly and vulnerable die.

If that’s your idea of rational thought, you’re a seriously fucked up individual and you’re undermining your own child’s attempts to save the very same demographic.

You should be ashamed of yourself for liking that post




The WHO didn’t have their heads in the sand - that’s a nonsensical fake narrative pushed by right-wing American sources like Fox, Breitbart, One Americ News Network and Gateway Pundit, the sort of sources you get your news from.

You’ve consistently praised these same London academics.

The tool of the dishonest debater, the deliberately loaded question.

Have a look at the figures.

Plenty of reasons, not least the small ICU capacity and lack of testing, also the small matter that the virus is very bad and very contagious and the effect of lockdowns so far appears to be at best moderately successful.

Even if we dont become like Italy, that doesn’t mean we are in a good place. At all.

And for the purposes of this discussion, we do not need to become like Italy. What’s happening is already bad enough.

Mortality rates depend on the healthcare available and on things like population profile.

This outbreak is still in its infancy. People have only started dying in really large numbers on a global scale in the last three or four weeks.