Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

it’s nuts that you even had to tell him that. Shows you how hysterical some lads are.

A 5 year old and a 13 year old died in the UK today. The little girl had underlying conditions. They didn’t report on the teenagers underlying health.

Whst were the Irish figures today?

Drink up.

Jews die every day. Ergo the Holocaust was nothing.

Not my logic. Yours.

17 dead and 331 cases. There were 158 admitted to ICU as of Thursday. Don’t know what that number is now

We seem to be holding things to a steady rate if the numbers are genuine… ICU is a slight worry , remind me, does that include those that died?

median age 77

That’s just a cumulative of all admitted, I think.

underlying health conditions, my auld fella was telling there was some auld lad in his 80’s on the rte news from longford or somewhere who survived it with all sorts of shit wrong with him, his advice was when interviewed was basically “its a load of shite and stop watching the news and getting hysterical”


Here pal, look at the cunts you are arguing with. Save your breath. How many times on this thread alone have you been called “hysterical”, “screaming” etc. For the most part that’s all they have. Give it up.

1 outlier out of 700 odd in that case.

the 13 year old died in Brixton. A Muslim. Parents couldn’t attend the funeral according to reports

Other point of consideration.

Forgetting timelines for a second, but if we start lifting restrictions, what other measures will Governments and the Irish government have to take to try and stimulate economic activity in an economy that is still very restricted.

One effort will be to try to reopen retail outlets and the construction sector. That will get a lot of people back to work and also save a lot of people on the backend (professionals and tradesmen in the construction sector, people working in facilities etc). We can expect travel, hotels, pubs and events to be a bit longer so there will still be some people there needing significant support.

But what we know about people is that they’re adaptable and entrepreneurial. Deliveries aren’t a new thing but those companies have cranked it up and small businesses who never used them are now fully engaged in them to try and sustain business. I’m sure more new innovations and further grow will come so there will be new jobs there. But will there be incentives to take them with the wage supports as is?

It’s been commented on how the €350 is universal, it’s also not too far off the minimum wage weekly wage. Is there an incentive to get people back into new jobs that are created in expanding industries?

This will get kick back from a certain section of people here saying this is just right wingers looking to cut already but that’s not it. I support the schemes put in so far even though they likely give a tiny section of the working population an increase in wages (part time students) that they wouldn’t have got in normal circumstances. Better to be quick in this situation. I expect some will say we should increase the minimum wage (and there has already been some demands for this in retail, which is understandable given the situation) but generally that is counter productive to getting people to work when there’s large scale unemployment.

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Heard about a 93 year old earlier who pulled out of it. My oul lad is 86 and out feeding cattle and cutting lawns etc. I only remember him ever having the flu once, before that he went 26 years without missing a day at work, other than for a funeral. But he’s not at himself…he misses his routine of daily mass, the newspaper and a few groceries/banter with the checkout girls…the oul dog that he is.
He’s genuinely spiritual but he reckons life is a fantastic carry on, and the longer it lasts the better- so he’s ok with the lockdown. But it’s definitely weakening him, I don’t think he’ll pick up where he left off.


People need to wake up to this. My auld lad is only 72, I can hear his voice getting weaker every day on the phone. Pretending every is ok. He was still tipping and arseing with small jobs around buildings up to 3 weeks ago, just to keep occupied because that is the way he was brought up. He is stuck at home now with my mother 24/7 with gobshites like me telling him not to go out and people will drop shopping at the gate. Now the grandchildren are all he has left and now that interaction is gone. This fucking thing will kill more
people in the long run than the actual virus if the lockdown continues


Is Fintan alright to use the Skype to talk to them?

Its not the end of life as he knows it. Just a pause. There will still be walls to be painted and weeds to be picked and dream Limerick 15s decided upon

I’m old enough to remember 2008, it was the same old shite, the likes of George Lee on every fucking night on the news telling us the world was going to end

And 10 years later we had our day in the sun. The shine still sustains many of us

My godmother is the same. Late 80s and very active & social. Still works a couple of days a week running the numbers (on a large old red ledger, none of the IFSC pretend IRA crew accountants here would know what to do) and very active in the Church committee. She’d go for a few lunches a week as well with her pals.

You can tell everyday how this is sucking the life out of her. She won’t listen on not going to the shops but that’s all she has. Her social outlets has been narrowed to chatting to neighbours in the garden (and thank God she has them) and phone calls. Her family all live well away from her so it’s a big issue.

I’ve seen how rapid the downturn can be for older people can be once they lose an outlet. My grandfather had quite a rapid decline from just a change in lifestyle and it was upsetting to see. Once you lose your spirit it’s hard to get it back.

I’d love to just try to get down to her to try and have another go at getting her to use an iPad for video calls so she could see her grand nieces and nephews, but I don’t think we will be able to for a while. I’ve worked on programmes in trying to get the elderly to use them and it is really quite challenging.

The tech bros design most of their products for younger people but it really is that older people struggle to learn at that age and aren’t that bothered learning new technologies. The funny thing is that the elderly are the ones who would get the most use out of these things as enhancements to their lives and allow them continued freedom. Younger people piss around on social media. The streaming archives have all the films that older people grew up with for example. My grandad stopped bothering trying to understand television at the VHS recording stage and never even got the benefit of digital tv or DVDs. We managed to run through the John Wayne classics during his last few weeks with me controlling the streaming at least.