Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

If I’m in the Irish Government, I’d be saying to other EU members that there should be a collective strategy of when to phase reopenings- ie metrics to hit. Give yourself some political cover as deaths continue, but the curve is flattened.

I might go and send Neale Richmond an email on that, or say it in the mirror.


That’s demonstrably not true given you posted a thread literally imploring for another holocaust.

You’d be much better off commenting here, plenty of holocaust deniers and holocaust wishers to keep you company.

Parts of Sac are grand, but the Central Valley, Stockton, Modesto, Tracy are rough enough. Farming has declined a lot in some areas so a lot of ghost towns. Fremont is grand.

If simply has to be planned for and one would hope it is. Maintain social distancing, strict rules when restaurants and bars reopen, maybe everyone has to wear a mask. Infection rates can be kept down if simple enough practices are followed.

Must have changed a bit since I was there as thought it a dump.

Would say a lot of people really hurting in California . With the wildfires suffered and now this, it’s one struggle to next for many there. Will it have an affect on peoperty prices in the Bay you think? Tech companies still need everyone under the one roof after this?

Do you mean Fresno? Yes, also a dump, full of white trash. A lot of the central valley has been destroyed with water restrictions and regulations. Huge switch over to almond orchards in the past decade.

Hard to know what will happen, I suppose like everywhere it depends on how quickly things get back to semi normal. Property prices are ridiculous in most of the bay, so no harm to see them come down. I’d say a lot of the working from home is here to stay.

Interesting read, especially the comparison of deaths.

While we’re on the subject

The other thing of interest is the mode of transmission. Up to now the official guidance is that the virus is spread the same as the flu, droplets left behind on surfaces when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The exception is hospitals where people may be getting infected via aerosols. There’s a little bit of limited evidence that it may be airborne, as in doesn’t need droplets. Admittedly this is in hospitals, but not just around the patient. Important to note this hasn’t been confirmed.

This would be a game changer if it were true, and again would add weight to the argument that a lot more people have been infected than we think.

That’s fairly simplistic Sid. I take it you don’t have a tracker mortgage.

While reading a bit of this lad’s blog I came across some separate but related facts about the London Imperial College group led by Neil Ferguson.

They were the original Oxford group where Ferguson worked for Professor Roy Anderson. They were ran out of Oxford after Anderson accused a fellow academic of sleeping her way to a promotion (she sued him and won). That woman was none other than Sunetra Gupta, the author of the recent Oxford study which rubbished the Imperial College study. Academics :grin:

Anderson and Ferguson set up the London Imperial College group, whose first major claim to fame was the Foot and Mouth study which led to the needless slaughter of 11 million healthy animals, economic destruction of rural Britain and mass suicides by farmers cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. The models were later described by fellow academics as not fit for purpose.

Their next great cause was Mad Cow disease where they predicted 20 years ago that 150,000 people would die in the UK, so far less than 200 have died.

These are the lads that are driving the response to this pandemic. It’s quite fascinating that they have such influence, given their record. Whatever about the UK why the fuck are the US government quoting these useless bastards.

The modelling lunatics seem to have taken over the asylum, every cunt who can plug numbers into a random number generator is coming up with a model. A study at the University of Washington has the most sensible set of assumptions I have seen so far, they predict roughly 84K deaths in the US over the next 4 months. They also claim by August, given the mitigation efforts in place, only 5% of the population will have been infected. That comes to a mortality rate of roughly 0.5% which sounds about right. I think. At the same mortality rate and rate of infection the number of deaths in the UK over the same period would be 16.5k and in Ireland 1.3K. I think the UK number will be higher, and the Irish number lower.

Getting back to the OP, for context 600K die each year in the UK. The numbers that die from the flu vary a lot year to year but the range is 2K to 28K, and an average of 17K over the past decade. Coincidentally the same as the projection above for COVID-19.


The three fifty euro a week payment is an utter joke. Fair enough for people with a young family but it’s far too much for fellas who have no kids or that kind of stuff. You couldn’t possibly spend money at the moment. In Britain they need 90 thousand people to go to the farms to harvest crops but they can’t get them off their sofas because of the payment. It’s a risky policy in my opinion. For students and young people it sets an awful precedent. Don’t forget the pricks that flew home to sign on as well milking the system. It’ll bankrupt the country.

Link? Who had been previously doing this work?

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I presume most people have health insurance? Car insurance? Gas and electricity? A phone? Need to eat? Pay rent or have a mortgage. Now some of those people might have had their car on finance? Or had some other kind of loan they are repaying. Then there’s people with families - what if there was only one parent working on a very good salary but now is not working, and the family is now surviving on 350 … there’s tons of different scenarios. But there’s a hateful mob on here that like to paint everyone with the one brush when it comes to receiving welfare. It’s bizarre. The gov have probably over paid some, but there’s plenty will struggle on it — How the fuck do you means test 250k people in less than 2 weeks so they can get payment and while adhering to social distancing?


Brexit means Brexit

It was the right thing to do and if it was the start of a universal payment to simplify social welfare, deal with the accessibility issue, and allow a lad to earn a few bob while Keeping his benefit I’d be in favour of it. To afford it we would need to remove other means tested benefits.

Well some might ask if the 203 payment wasnt good enough then how has it been good enough all along? - but we all know it’s not as simple as that and now is not the time for e-arguing old friend. The next two weeks are vital and we need all troops at the front.

It was a joke of a thing to do. Heaps of people are earning more now for sitting at home than when they Were working. That’s not good. These same people will be same tulips looking for lock down to continue. You’ll have no incentive to go back to work. Society in Italy is collapsing.

No answer so, figures. More lies.