Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

which ones don’t you agree with?

There are a hell of a lot of generalisations in that post.

You are basically suggesting that because we are dealing with old people, then the actual cause of death isn’t as straightforward as just coronavirus related, as it has been painted.

But you have no evidence to suggest in how many cases such instances have occurred. Also while some old people may have underlying health issues, it doesn’t mean to say that they are going to die anyway so coronavirus shouldn’t somehow count. There is nothing to suggest that relatively healthy old people out there aren’t succumbing to this disease wiping ten years off their life.

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The only rational reason I can understand why he is spouting those things is because he possibly owns a Nursing Home and is awaiting a lot of Solicitors letters.

It’s a bizarre stance to take regardless.

Poor old man
He had an ‘accident’ with a three bar fire
But that’s ok
Cos he was old and he would have died anyway

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Nice try, but that’s a logical fallacy. If you are too dim to see the rationale in what I posted (and it is there), then I can’t help you.


An iron law of the INTERNET is that people who use the term “logical fallacy” to try and win an argument almost always turn out to be gigantic dunderheads.

And so it is again here.

The Sad thing is when you look at these things we are merely a statistic. I think the average age of death in Ireland is 82. So anybody older than this in the eyes of the decision makers is already dead. It’s horrible I know but that’s the way people look at these things when you are talking about the decisions that influence millions of people. It’s awful but it’s the way the world works.

Hes specifically asking for this, actual evidence om Coronavirus caused deaths.

This cunt :smile:

You can’t help any of those arguing with you mate, the only question is whether their combined IQ is lower than their combined EQ.


Oh dear

Galway, the deep south of ireland, apparently

The TFK crisis junkies are like moths to a flame. They can’t help themselves.

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The lad throwing stones above you has spent the last 12 hours posting up the same graph with the same wrong conclusion, even though at least 5 posters have pointed out his error. The definition of madness.

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In fairness he’s not as bad as @Julio_Geordio who predicted 36K deaths in the US by the end of March, and is looking at a hefty bar bill when I see him.

I wouldn’t book a beach holiday there

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Time seems to be another metric you have no concept of unless you can directly relate it to yourself.

Apologies, it was over the last 8 hours you’ve been making an ass of yourself.

I’d tell you in years the same for you, but your profile is private

I see you are making stuff up again. It’s fascinating to watch. I said give it two weeks and we’ll see how bad the US is. As far as I can see it’s pretty bad.

You’ve worryingly completely made up the number in your head. Just imagined it. It’s very strange behaviour mate.