Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

No you said 36k deaths, that’s what our bet was based on.

It’s not worth arguing over, I’ll settle for 8 pints.

He hates when people quote him and bring up directly contradictory things he’s said, which isn’t very difficult as he’s had directly contradictory views on just about every subject you can think of.

That’s what happens when somebody has no real beliefs or opinions or ability to recognise reality and are just trying to win an internet argument at any cost because they’ve sod all else to do.

Pull up the post there.

At this stage I’d happily go for 8 pints with you and Sid and listen to the two of ye arguing non stop, and pay for the lot of em, if it got me out of the gaff


I think I prefer the worldwide pandemic

This will be me coming out of lock down Monday week

Never again.

I’m not seeing anything here that justifies the current economic destruction:

Pooled weekly mortality in the data-providing EuroMOMO partners as deviations from the baseline (Z-score) for the past 4½ years, in four age groups.


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Your business will recover if it was on a sound financial footing pre COVID19, mate.

Wishing you all the best.

Darwininan principles

Denmark announced it will start reopening on April 15 (if there isn’t a spike at easter). Creches and junior levels at schools first. Other measures, including ban on gatherings for 10 or more in place until may 10. Bars, cinemas, restaurants, hairdressers etc to remain closed. Large gatherings such as markets, festivals, sports events to remain banned until August 31.


OMG God.

It would be epic if crèches reopened in Ireland way before offices did.


One good thing about COVID-19 is has ended this nonsense of having All-Ireland finals in August.

Thanks mate

Sensible Danes, being sensible again. Premature to ban sporting events that far out I think, a lot can happen in 5 months.

You’re saying they aren’t being sensible then.

No I’m saying they are being sensible. Though I disagree with part of their policy as I believe it’s premature.
But then you are able to read, so you know that already and you are just trying to get someone to have a row with you on the internet to pass your day.


I think you’re onto something here.

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There was a bit of anger with the Swedes across the bridge a few weeks back when they just carried on about their business with minimal disruption. But now having seen the data they are starting to question the approach of their own Government so the pressure is on.

You said they are being premature.

Then you waffled on with some needlessly confrontational blather because you were annoyed about being pulled up on this.

Reopening the schools first is a strange one. Especially the younger kids. They’re the least likely to adhere to hygiene and distancing.

I suppose that measure will take pressure off working families and enable to get them back out to work.

Interesting to see how this plays out