Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

What are we looking at so?

If the schools are to reopen here in Ireland the 2 metre thing will have to go out the window as I don’t think its possible to adhere to it.

Sport - Again social distancing not really possible in GAA/Soccer etc.

Racing possibly behind closed doors.

Mass might be able to get going seeing as so few attend these days social distancing should be possible.

Offices - Might be able to reopen at half capacity?

Pubs/Restaurants a non runner in short term.

Christ its a fair grim outlook.

Horse Racing and mass so??? :joy:


All the wanker is interested in is Sport. He’s a dangerous cunt.

Their reasoning is that very few small children contract it and it doesn’t badly affect those that do. Crèches and schools being open should allow parents back to work or to do more work from home equals productivity and the economy getting going again.

Kids are super spreaders though. Explain that to me.

No SPORT of any type should be played until 2021

That’s not what the Danes believe obviously. Other measures would remain in place such as distancing, especially for the the elderly and vulnerable.

Agreed, to say otherwise is crazy & bizarre behaviour.

I’m sure most childcare facilities are anxious to reopen & get revenue streams going again.
It’s a big ask for staff though, mixing with kids all day and then going home and hoping they are not picking something up or worse infecting vulnerable relatives.

Personally the childcare aspect of any return to normality isn’t as big an issue for me until we have a larger picture of where we are at as regards infection rates across the Country.

Childcare staff would still have to isolate from vulnerable relatives, along with everyone else.

At their current pay rates I’d imagine a good lot of them would be happier on the €350 to stay at home in that case.

We are ontrack for pubs opening in June… EPL also and GAA will be back by mid June. The experiment is drawing to a close.

Footix priorities


Am experiment worth persisting with…you’d want to have your head examined building offices after this.

Would there be anything to be said for only opening the pubs every weekend going forward? Be good for lads not to be in them every day or night of the week. The habit is broken nearly. Time to rid this country of its dependency on pubs, drink, bookies, etc.

Lets make a better Ireland for our people.


Theres a lot of good can come out of the last few weeks. Are people wise enough to see that I wonder?

Persons are smart.

People are idiots.

Morning Mike.

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Thursday to Sunday and bank holidays should be the only days pubs are open.

But what about the lads that work weekends you ask? Fuck em

If they take away my pub, there’ll be deaths

I’m an ideas man, just make it work.