Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We don’t need sport we don’t need pubs is what I’m taking from the whole thing. We barely need schools it seems. We should introduce communism and there would be more than enough money to go round.

Not sure how sensible they are behind it all. In their own rush job on emergency coronavirus laws, the Danes have given the authorities the necessary power to force people to be vaccinated. Worldwide we are seeing supposed inalienable rights are being rode over roughshod.

Any rights you think you have are flimsy enough truth be told. If ever there was a time for fascism to thrive again it is on back of this. People are happy being told what to do if threatened and government sort out the threat

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Inalienable is another word that stupid people love to use to try and make themselves sound smart - sort of Ben Gilroy/Gemtrails follower types.

@ironmoth can you fire up the latest death chart of CY v PY to see how we’re ticking along? Are people still only dying of covid and nothing else these last couple of weeks?

It’s a notifiable disease mate, which means that no matter what the deceased actually died of the person filling out the death certificate has to record if the person had Covid-19. In fact, even if the doctor suspected the deceased had Covid-19, that has to be recorded on the death certificate. The Covid-19 death numbers are unreliable at best, and possibly even flat out useless.

I’m currently looking into the unemployment data. Monthly unemployment was 5.4% in March 2020, but according to the CSO “a new COVID-19 Adjusted Measure of Unemployment could indicate a rate as high as 16.5% if all claimants of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment were classified as unemployed”. (

There’ll be blood spilt around here today. I can feel it. Its been an edgy enough start to the day


How come in NZ, where they’ve had 1200 confirmed cases, they’ve only had 1 death?

They have managed to identify illness in mildly symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.

Yup and have been on top of quarantining and contact tracing… it just shows, once you keep it away from the very old with underlying conditions it’s no worse than the regular flu…

Stop being so sensible and relaxed about this. We need to be screaming.

It’s killing Old people with no underlying conditions, bro.

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They also stopped all international travel and quarantined all NZ citizens coming back into the country for 2 weeks. You’d have to wonder what will happen in countries that have suppressed it so well, as they have to open up at some point.

Just like the regular flu so?

NZ was on par with us for first few days - we both had our first case around the same time… they’ve actually done contact tracing and insisted on people entering into the country doing 14 day self isolation. They still managed 1200 cases but they’ve protected the old and vulnerable.
When we had our first cast we just continued to let people come and go and there was no insistence on isolation - flights from Italy landed at will an no one was told isolate…cheltenham the same …we’ve made a bollix of the testing and tracing.
We could be sitting here now with a quarter of the current numbers if the government had made a real attempt at this. Instead it’s exactly where we didnt want it to be, in nursing homes with people are are on the way out — and there’s a load of mass hysteria now as a result.


You’d imagine they now have a system and team in place so that when another case occurs they will trace it and quarantine all in contact with the person. They are still getting cases, but it’s in 20s and 30s compared to hundreds like us.

Very few people are dying that don’t have underlying conditions, it’s 0.9% of those infected. When you think about it, there’s very few older people who have no underlying conditions, even if they are not diagnosed. I think what you can say is this disease progresses quicker and causes death much faster than the seasonal flu for people that are susceptible.

Stop it, don’t be a clowndick.

It’s killing young people with no underlying health conditions, clowndick.

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The Irish people have been driven into a state of mass hysteria

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It’s easier to do in a low population density country. Imagine contact tracing in New York, where if you left your house, took the subway to work, worked in a crowded building for the day, went for lunch went home, etc. You could have infected hundreds, which is what happened in New York. The only thing that seems to work in high density areas is complete lockdown.