Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I don’t think its a question of being tough or not. Piers Morgan (who is an awful gobshite) actually got it right. We’re being asked to stay in and watch a bit of telly. Not go and fight the fucking Kong


Some lads would be better off fighting King Kong than trying to stay in and watch telly


Anyway I get to go home with a bag full of hillbilly heroine. Cant be all bad


Will you smoke a bit with the mrs later?

Smoking is bad for you

Maybe they can relax restrictions for a period of time over the course of a year. Its merely a buying time exercise that they are doing because I cant see any semblance of a plan. In the absence of massive testing we are going nowhere fast. Whos to say you wont have to write off much of 2021 as well. The problem is testing and lack thereof. Maybe they build ICU capacity and let people off for a while to live as they did somewhere on the scale between the 1st and 2nd of the 3 levels of restrictions that were imposed.

Interesting article below from Der Spiegel in Germany. You’d have to use google translate but a social study and mobile phone tracking model detected growing restlessness and impatience in Germany during the week. This is a country who will be first in Europe out of lockdown and are testing 500,000 a week. Germans are normally compliant and regularly have highest approval ratings of their government and have some of the strictest public assembly laws in Europe. There is light at the end of the tunnel for them and they are working on an exit plan and people are still restless. What hope have we of another 8 months with no plan. If we just write off the year in early April what is the end game. For an octogenarian who this was meant to protect in the first place living in isolation he/she may not see 2021.


Unless an exit strategy is developed soon, the life we have known is gone for ever


Lads, don’t embrace death.

Relax & embrace life & living.

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Exactly. And God forbid it might involve more or less sacrificing the year, but if that means we can have an improved quality of life for ourselves and our families so be it. I actually believe humans as a whole can be a better race after this as long as we learn our lessons.

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If humans hid away any time there was a threat we’d be long extinct.

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Where did I suggest we hide. I never said that. I said sacrifice. Huge difference

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Word, bro.

3 more weeks

Then when other mature countries make a decision we might follow

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I’m glad your in full support of this.

It’s in our own hands now.

Get r0 to be less than 1.

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We need to close our borders for a couple of weeks, particularly to UK visitors.

I’m sitting in the sunshine drinking beer with chicken wings on the go. I’ve lost half a stone since this shit started with the amount of training I’m doing and good eating. I’d do another 6 months of this standing on my head. That’s not the point. Lads talking about locking down until September are living in cloud cuckoo land. It will kill far more people than it will save in the long run.


You said you’d be licking the windows but now reckon you are having the time of your life.

As much as you may be pained to hear this, the would doesn’t revolve around the social calendar of @Horsebox.

There have been 100k deaths globally attributed to covid 19 and that’s with most of the globe under some kind of restricted living. Remove the restrictions and that number gets very big very quick

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What is Sweeten a death rate against ours ?