Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Have another go at that there kid

Two lumps of sugar and a stick of rock per million

That’s nawtin compared to the number of lads who’ll be throwing themselves off buildings and bridges around Ireland if they can’t get pissed up in the pub on the June weekend

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Live Sports ( something to gamble on ) being the biggest issue I reckon

You’re going to be told your opinion doesn’t matter soon because your getting paid and/or because you’re a teacher.

I know I have probably a little bit more experience of the front line due to circumstances, but my God I tell ya, these medical people really earn their corn and with such a positive attitude. They have my utmost respect


I agree with the restrictions put in place so far to dlow the spread down and have followed them but locking people in their homes and hoping for the best is not a plan. More people have died in Ireland this month from cancer than covid 19. Some cancer patients are being refused treatment and the longer this goes on that figure is going to go up. These conversations have to start happening.


They deserve respect, and the greatest respect they yearn is for stupid fucks to stay indoors.

Simple as that.

The mental health issue will far out weight the virus very soon if we stay like this. Open the churches and the parks. Keep the pubs closed. You’ve to give a little to gain a little.,

Some lads would have you believe Cancer patients are goosed regardless.

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They are happening I’m sure.

The restrictions will be removed when the policy makers think there is no longer an immediate threat to ICU capacity.

Our guys are making blind decisions here because of the utter mess they’ve made of testing

You need to drop that bone. The only people attending Churches are the elderly & you want them leaving the safety of their homes.

Cop on you cunt.

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Do you think the virus won’t spread in a church or something?

The irony is they’ve locked everyone in to Dublin as well like sewer rats. It’s very unfair. The virus will still spread like wildfire around the city. Wild idiots In the back arse of nowhere can’t go for a walk or a swim. It makes no sense.

Yeah. Forgive me if I don’t have the same confidence in the HSE policy makers and Tony Holohan as you do.


The policy makers are making it up as they go a long. They’ve no idea. As of today they are still letting people into the country.

Rural folk can & are out for walks you ape, quit this and try and have a nice evening.

Go look in the mirror for 25 minutes.

It’s not about confidence, it’s about accepting the reality of the situation.

They are making fellas stay in Dublin for fear of spreading it but if your coming from London you can tip around the whole country. IT makes no sense.

When I hear nurses, doctors & consultants coming out and saying we’re on top of this I’ll then agree.