Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

its not right to imprison our elderly indefinitely with no plan. just so some lads can feel better about themselves, my auld fella says he’d be better off dead now, it can’t go on

I was talking to an auld fella earlier. He said he’s ashamed of the country and the worst thing about is the younger generations are using auld fellas like him as the excuse. It’s a farce in my opinion.

You make it sound like it’s being undertaken for no reason.

It’s being done to keep them alive.


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my father is 73 today, its the first time i have not been home for his birthday. He’s sitting at home under house arrest

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Is it? Or is it an excuse for some people to stay at home and protect themselves? Listening to joe Duffy Over the last few days and most old people are irate over it. When you get To that age you’ve a very different outlook about death. It’s impossible for younger people to understand.

Flesh that out about death.

That will only be the case through herd immunity or a vaccine - are you happy to lockdown the country for 12 months or more?

Do you not see the consequences of that? Or are you just on a wind up.

They have lived their life’s. They’ve buried their parents, all their friends and a lot of their siblings as well. We can’t understand that. Most people are using the protecting the old people line as an excuse to protect themselves.

Are you implying they are happy to die?

This fucking thread.


The government have no plan. Just copy somebody else’s. They’ve locked people into Dublin but you can still arrive in a ferry from the uk and go wherever. It makes no sense.

Its a shambles when you consider the ports and airports are open.

Do it right or not at all.

Except for the awkward fact that it may kill more of them, and more from other age brackets as well. Here’s a meta study of the effects of social isolation on people in general, not just old people. Individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater chance of being alive in 7.5 years than those who have poor social relationships.

The effect of social isolation on mortality is the same as smoking, and a much larger effect than other risk factors like obesity.

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Not happy to die but a very different outlook on death. A realisation it’s not far away and they are far more used to death than younger people. We’d fellas here cribbing about being put into nursing homes all last week.

He is and he is implying the people being told to stay at home are using old people as an excuse, despite the fact the government have decided the threat to public safety is so real, they’ve made laws to stop stupid cunts.

I hope they introduce more draconian measures because its clear there exists a cohort of stupid dangerous cunts not willing to give up a morsel to protect the vulnerable and the health care workers

Agreed we are in no mans land really. We aren’t doing either.

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Again whats their outlook on death?

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Quoting a few Seamus Heaney lines seems to be what they’re focusing on the most.


I am not now retract that comment immediately. People are using old people as an excuse. Happy to pocket 350 euro a week and stay in a box all day.