Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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That’s exactly what I said you’re doing you thick ignorant cunt

Vacine may be here in Sept

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It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s the older generations that begin to rebel first. They’ve the least time left and aren’t going to accept being locked up like An animal indefinitely. Lads on here wanted their votes taken away in last election and now they want the country shut down to protect them. Ask the older people what they’d like for a change instead and see what they’d say. I’d be all ears.

I’m not saying they are happy to die I’m saying they’ve a totally different out look on death. Two very different things.

At what age do the elderly get this universal understanding of death you are making up for them.

You aren’t worth replying to on this.

You’re either incredibly, incredibly thick or on the wind

It’s a joke. The whole thing is a shambles. You could have a super spreader coming in on a boat and he’s left off but let’s lock everyone Else into Dublin. They’ve no plan, they’ve made a Bolox of the testing and we’ve a Mickey Mouse lock down.

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It’s well known that as people age and in particular get into their advanced years, they have a greatly reduced fear of death compared to younger people. The reason is they have come to accept death as a reality. It’s not something many young people have even thought about, or will allow themselves think about.


My aul lad is 80 tomorrow & proud of the effort his country and health workers are making for the elderly.


Yes but try explain that to @anon78624367

It’s not possible, he is a black and white thinker.

You’re trying to remove the individuality of death and attribute a characteristic to a very broad demographic based on age. That’s very black and white

No two people think of death the same way


Death is part and parcel of life. As you get older you get more used to it. It’s very simple.

I genuinely don’t know whether to laugh or cry reading this thread at the moment.
The simple fact of the matter is that in real terms we know as much a out this thing as our top medical people. Do some of ye actually think that they’re sitting g in labs drinking coffee, smoking fags and thinking “a fuck it. It is what it is” You have that donkey in the White House talking about reopening the economy for business in the next few weeks.
You have the other donkeys in England approaching 1k deaths a day and telling g us curve is flattening. It is in its fuck.
A lot of lads around here would want to take a good look at themselves before throwing their toys out of the pram.
We still know too little about this thing to make any kind of an exit strategy. Let the scientists do what they need to do in terms of developing a vaccine that actually works. Here the very same lads that will accuse them of a ting too quickly if a vaccine doesn’t work.
Do I have sympathy for the elderly and the more vulnerable in our society? Of course I do. My heart goes out to them and I really wish they could live out their final days on this earth in some comfort.
I am no Leo or Simon fan but I am very proud the way they have handled this so far. Its quite obvious that a lot of lads around here never went through a days hardship in their lives. To make it worse they think I they’re acting in “the common good” They are in their fuck.


No two people think of death exactly the same way, but the way the elderly view death is very different to the way younger people view death. This is well established.

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It’s real alright. A man in Roscommon tested positive yesterday. He was dead before nightfall.

He got hit with by a van is what I was told.


All the experts are posting on here mike !

By whom? Have they developed a thought reading machine?

Putting blind faith in tony holahan isn’t logical?

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Ah no hes right kid. I can tell you straight up, I have been scared shitless the last two years. My grandparents were well into their 80s and 90s and had no fear of death whatsoever. Even my own parents (who are in their mid 70s) aren’t afraid of death

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