Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

My principle in primary schools daughter died the other day. She was in her forties and had three kids. She didn’t die from the virus. She’d a rare blood pressure condition. Her family didn’t even get a chance to say good bye and now there’s no funeral either. It’s a really a tough time on everyone in the country. Stick together guys.


I’d put my faith in him a lot quicker then I would Trump or any one of the uk cabinet

What about compared to the Swedish or Danish pm?

The fundamental issue is a moral versus ethical question, and many people don’t understand the difference. Morality is a judgement of good versus bad, or “right” and “wrong” that an individual makes, and is based largely on beliefs. Ethics has nothing to do with beliefs, it’s based on a set of principles that are used in legal systems, medicine, etc.

Some people think keeping an old person alive at all costs, regardless of how dependent on a machine to live they are, or the quality of their lives, is morally good. To the point where they will fight doctors and even sue them for not “saving” them. A doctor makes a decision on whether a person can be saved or should be saved based on medical ethics, personal morality doesn’t come into it.


By people talking to people. Imagine that.

They have 88 and 45 death per 1 million. We have 58. We’re holding our own (for the want of a better term)

We are 13th highest in the world mate

That’s basically what I’m trying to say.

As of today we’re 21st and Sweden are 20th


They’ve no had no lockdowns really only banned sport and the pubs


Go take a piss in public in any of those countries cities and see how you get on. Take a piss in the middle of o’Connell street and you’ll get more cheap likes on Facebook than @iron_mike does on tfk

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Ireland is about the same as any other European country or US state that has a similar population density. People living in largely rural areas are effectively socially isolated anyway, the death zones are where people are packed together like sardines. You would need a hazmat suit to avoid getting infected on the tube, subway or metro.


This is a bit heavy.

I’m of the opinion that is a defense mechanism, people will say they aren’t afraid of something that scares them most. Not for all obviously, some people will be accepting of it.

If you asked most people on the way out if they wanted one day back with good health they’d take it, I’d imagine.

Life is precious

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Fear of death is irrational, most older people have figured that out. Not all obviously, people who are religious but were cunts all their lives probably fear death alright, but that’s irrational as well.

Loving life isn’t irrational. Most fight for it up until their last breath


Ok well let me put it like this. The elderly are a lot more accepting of death than the younger. The first and last thing that we through my head before a y of my 4 recent operations was “please jesus just let me wake up” We’ll deal with anything else later


Young and old people think differently on almost everything though. I don’t get the line of reasoning here

Because they may or may not be accepting of it or less frightened of it, we should hoosh them out the door. That’s not directed at you Mike. Just at some of the posts here

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That a bit ott. I religious my self but for the moment at least the thought of death scares me shitless and I don’t think I’m a cunt

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Loving life is entirely rational, but it’s hard to love life if your quality of life is appalling.
Most old people die peacefully, the one’s that fight to their last breath tend to be young people.