Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Nobody is saying hoosh them out the door, that’s your comprehension failure.

I don’t think we should shove them out the door either but the only thing g you are guaranteed after you are born is death

What are you saying then? it seems to me you’re trying to justify ending measures because some old people aren’t afraid of dying.


I’m talking about the subset that are religious and cunts, obviously you are not included Mike.

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And we exist as a species because we try and survive as long as we can.

No, we exist as a species because enough of us live long enough to procreate.

But so does every species. Just as a matter of interest, what’s your thoughts on euthanasia?

Survive being the operative word.

The survival instinct doesn’t get switched off after procreation

I’d be against it, as a principle, but I wouldn’t begrudge anybody it. I don’t understand the pain that would cause someone to take that measure, but at they end of the day it’s the ultimate personal choice.

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It’s not all about old people.

Those mass graves in NYC all full of 80 year olds from Nursing Homes? Like fuck they are.

No, I’ve said consistently from the start of this crisis that the focus should have been on protecting the vulnerable. We obviously did a shit job of that. The question is what do we do now and going forward. You will have a lot more dead imo if we continue lock downs and stay at home measures for too long. That’s the balance that has to be found, it’s not going to be easy but it has to be done.

For all we know, following the good hygiene and distancing guidelines may be more effective than keeping people indoors, but letting them out to go to the shop.

We’ve been through this before, there are very few young people dying from COVID-19. Some are getting very sick and some hospitalized yes, but 99.7% are recovering. Are you trying to argue there should be no deaths?

Genuine questions for yourself and others accusing people of being “pro death”.

  1. What number of deaths from COVID-19 would you personally find acceptable in Ireland?

  2. What number of avoidable deaths overall do you think Irish society finds acceptable?

Acceptable does not mean you like the answers.


I still believe the risk is great enough to justify the measures for now, for that very reason. Not enough is known.

It’s about building knowledge as well as saving old people.

I trust the authorities are acting in good faith with the measures and that they will be relaxed at the right time

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Yet again punching above our weight :roll_eyes:

I agree they are acting in good faith, but we shouldn’t have blind faith in them given their track record.


What track record?

My dad is in his 70s and mad for the restrictions to be dropped.

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Ignoring all the evidence that a pandemic was on it’s way, not preparing for a pandemic, allowing in hordes from infected regions, not quarantining people coming back from skiing trips to Lombardy, not protecting those in nursing homes, not having adequate PPE for hospital staff, etc, etc.

No different to almost every other western government in fairness to them.


“Where is it I’ve read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he’d only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once! Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!..How true it is! Good God, how true! Man is a vile creature!..And vile is he who calls him vile for that”


The road to hell us paved with good intentions