Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Lads can’t handle being stuck at home watching the telly for 2 weeks ffs, let alone being stuck on a rock for eternity.

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If this disease affected all people the same youd be damn fucking sure they’d be glad to stay at home and watch Netflix

It’s a case of the blind leading the blind

Iceland stats from testing half their population - half of people infected have no symptoms and death rate is 0.4%


That’s a big representative sample the whole world has been riddled with it in that case

How many were infected?

It’s tested 10% of it’s population mate according to USA today but yes half of those who have tested positive have no symptoms. A blow to the lock it down ta fuck crew.

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What kind of a ghoul asks such a question?

So basically never is the answer. How does he propose to know what R is if they are not testing sufficiently. If half infected people in Iceland are asymptomatic and we are only testing people with 2 or more symptoms then we are way wide of the mark. Mark my words in 3 weeks time he will turn around and say “we cannot tell definitively what the reproductive rate is so we have to error on the side of caution and extend lockdown to 2nd of June. Please bear with us, ye are doing incredibly well and I’m so proud to be Irish.”
Meanwhile they are thinking of the next gimmick and look over there distraction to fool the Irish people.


Sitting tight and waiting to see what other countries are doing mightnt be the worst option.

Iceland has not tested half of its population, it has tested 10% and is doing so randomly.

It’s also a sparsely populated island a long way from anywhere else.


The 50% asymptomatic number means that potentially 50% of people infected have been and are still wandering around shops picking up and leaving food down for other people to pick up, breathing out the virus for others to inhale, etc. It explains how infections got into nursing homes, as the infected staff likely had no idea they were infected.

I see the moral police have been decidedly quiet on this one. Let me help them out.

  1. To be clear, my answer is the number of deaths directly attributable to COVID-19 that I would find personally acceptable. A hospital patient in heart failure that contracts the virus and dies is not a “COVID-19 death”. I could accept a death rate in or around that of other acute respiratory infections, like seasonal influenza and pneumonia. That looks to be around 1,000-1,250 deaths.

  2. 6,000 smokers die each year from tobacco-related illnesses. There’s probably another 1,000 avoidable deaths every year due to medical error. Another 150 die on Irish roads every year. The number of murders in 2018 was 79. There are approximately 50 work-related fatalities each year. Let’s round that number up to 7,500 avoidable deaths. Using TFK as a gauge for what society finds acceptable, we have a murders thread and the forum has regularly shown its abhorrence towards road deaths. I don’t see too many threads here on work safety, or medical malpractice. There are a few on smoking, but the main thread has little over 140 posts in 11 years. That is a far cry from the level of screaming we have come to associate (over thousands upon thousands of posts) with approx. 350 COVID-19 deaths. Based on these (albeit crude) assumptions, I’m going to say Irish society finds 7,050 deaths per year to be acceptable.


Death is natural, in fact the most natural thing in the world alongside birth,

We shouldn’t be afraid of it - instinctively.

Problem is that we bring thinking into it, particularly trying to cast our mind forward a number of years. Truth is that the ageing process brings us to terms with it as it is also natural.


You can dress up your holocaust fetish in as flowery a way as you like, but it still amounts to no more than a holocaust fetish.

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If we weren’t afraid of it, instinctively, then we wouldn’t have survived as a species.

Of course.

Every living thing has some degree of life preserving instincts.

The way I look at it is that we’d all be better off if we connected with our true way of life and kept the thinking to a minimum.

Any Birth I’ve been to has been the most unnatural thing I’ve seen …

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Cancer and heart attacks are natural too. So are hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, sharks and poisonous snakes.