Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Thinking is another one of those evolutionary advances that has brought us to where we are.

Very very interesting question. Dont forget that humans cant reproduce anymore after the age of 45 or so. So perhaps lingering fear of death after that age is based on preserving our ongoing contribution to the tribe and once those contributions diminish our Darwinian fear of death is programmed to also diminish proportionately.

Or it could also be noted that we fenerallybdidnt live past 45 (reproductive age) in a state of nature so our lingering fear of death is just atavistic, something we should have outgrown but havent.

I havent a clue what I’m on about, I’m just talking out of my hole.


Do you mean being a hunter-gatherer or just watching porn?

Correct. The only sentence in that post that made a y sense.

Bollox anyway 10 past 11 on a Saturday night and @iron_mike posting sober. We’re fucked lads fucked

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No, that’s as sensible as anything anyone else has written. Everything about us is due to evolution, even the things we give ourselves credit for.

The majority of major religions have various mechanisms to help people cope with the fear of death, eternal afterlife, rebirth etc.

I think the will to live is stronger than the fear of death, personally. It has to be…

Also, society is judged by how it treats the old and the vulnerable. If they weren’t protected then what the fuck is the point

This thread is beginning to read like a Bono press release

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We all know we’re going to die and we all know we have a finite lifespan. If we’re reasonably lucky we might live to 80. We know the chances of us living to 90 are odds against. We know the chances of us living to 100 are remote. We know the chances of us living much beyond that are pretty much non-existent.

Death is something that older people have to face in the medium or near term future as a certainty. For younger people, their imagined future lives are stretched out in front of them.

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I’ve ire lads from this thing

Men cant reproduce when they are over 45?

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Thanks for at least answering the questions, unlike the obvious posters who don’t want to think about them, as to do so would question their cozy little worldview.

If we wanted to save or at least extend the lives the 6,000 who die from tobacco related illnesses, we would make cigarettes and other tobacco products illegal, and jail anyone for a long period who sold them. That’s a very obvious one. Same with heart disease and diabetes, ban rashers and sausages, and especially murderous creme eggs CC @Bandage.

If we wanted to save a good number of those that die from respiratory diseases every year, we would shut down during flu season and protect the old and vulnerable.

If we wanted to save the 150 who die in traffic accidents, we would only have public transport and ban cars and motorbikes.

Society lives with a certain amount of avoidable deaths. What number of avoidable deaths will society live with during this crisis? How many of the 77,000 waiting for operations in Ireland will die if we can’t treat them in time? How many will just give up and die from social isolation? How many will die from suicide? If food supplies are interrupted, how many will die of malnutrition?

If the rule is that stay at home orders are to be kept in place until there is no threat of deaths from COVID-19, that could be 6 months, 12 months, 18 months. What’s remarkable is that there are people who think that is practical and for the greater good.


Some men.

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Little point of note, there comes a certain age after which the odds of dying next year are greater than 50%. Life assurance companies wont let you take out a policy after that age because they dont want to insure against something that’s probably going to happen.

In Ireland I think that age is 92 (I think). So that means life assurance policies in Ireland only cover for deaths up until age 91.

Club 92 in Leopardstown was originally opened to offer life assurance policies for people 92 and up, before it diversified into becoming a nightclub for South Dublin private school 5th and 6th year pupils.

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That’s specious reasoning defined.

Your logic is completely broken, on one hand you’re calling for a relaxing of measures to ease pressure on hospitals to operate on other people, while in reality, easing those measures right now would have the exact opposite effect.

Yourself and @ironmoth both answered the question wrong. The answer is the least amount possible

Comparing a global pandemic to tobacco use, car crash deaths and eating rashers.

Jesus fucking Christ.

The far right will stoop to anything to try and blow as much fog as possible over the glaring realities that their policies have inflicted nothing but misery on the world, and that they are holocaust fetishising psychopaths.

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Agree with the vast majority of what you’re saying. My issue with people cribbing about the maintaining of the lockdown for the moment is quite simple. A d that is we simply don’t know enough about the virus at the moment to allow us relax the restrictions that are currently in place. If you’re playing pontoon and your 2 cards are worth 20 you’re hardly going g to twist again unless you’re guaranteed the next card is an ace. Now I’m not advocating another 12 months but its definitely worth another few weeks (maybe 6) at least.

@labane1917 will respond with a pompous, meandering load of psychopathic blather about why the Holocaust was no different to eating take away food.

And still, not one person advocating lifting restrictions has offered one single idea of how that would affect the elderly.