Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

72k tests completed as of today in Ireland. Good going.

What’s the option? I presume most regional stations still do an ‘oldies and Irish’ session on Sunday morning? We’d have radio one on most of the time here so it’d be in the background, I quite like BOC as a personality and he’s brought something new to the prime time show, in the culture section yesterday it was obvious that he knew what he wasn’t asking about, which is a change from Marian, at one stage a contributor recommended the newStrokes album and Brendan cut it down, it was buoys that he’d listened to it a few times

But anybody suggesting that the 11-1 slot on Sunday morning isn’t an influential one is living in cloud cuckoo land


Why the fuck aren’t fg doing this here?

Because you’ve lads screaming to keep the country on lockdown until we are 100% sure that nobody will ever die again.

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Why are they listening to lads? Surely they should be making informed decisions

I met a woman who’s fairly high up in the CUH today, she has a child the same age as my one, so we’d often chat.

She was telling me the measures are working and that there are encouraging signs. She think this 3 weeks will break the back of it and they’ll start to phase back to normality. She reckoned 2 weeks might be enough but was happy with 3 as it’s better to be more cautious than less.
I must say it gave me a lovely boost to hear it.


Open it up ta fuck!

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Leo was saying last night then that the peak hasn’t arrived and there are dark days ahead. I’m paraphrasing but it was along those lines.

Clear the backlog and get a 48hr turnaround on new tests and we could be a long way down the path to enabling recovery.

Two pints of Guinness and a packets of crips

You seem a lot more positive now than a week ago?

Just seeing your post with your friend! Great news.

Other models suggest it has. Who knows. Hopefully some country with a proper health service can do some antibody testing shortly of a random sample and see where we are

Maybe he’s referring to the nursing home clusters. Jesus that some calamity.

Antibody tests that work need to be developed first, unfortunately

cc. @Bandage


To be honest there is a lot more to life than listening to that show most Saturdays and Sundays . It is in the main a glorified review of the papers with largely the same people we hear too much of during the week . When you say “influential “ what do you mean ??? Largely it parrots a lot of what is said over the week .

Nobody listening to the radio surely between 11-1 on a Sunday. Most people are in mass.

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I see FG trumpeting their ramp up of testing yesterday achieving 8k tests. If you look in the fine print of the articles it turns out the Germans did 4/5 of them. So we did about 1.6k. Just the 13,400 short of the target so. Capacity is to be ramped up to the 15k a day largely by paying the Germans to do more testing as well.
Now it doesn’t matter a fuck where they are done. But it’s an abject failure by the HSE thus far.
And if it all goes to shit the Germans won’t be doing our tests for us if they need them for themselves

Influential in that it’s the programme that has more listeners than any other show (probably) besides Liveline and Morning Ireland, Morning Ireland mostly reports the news whereas the weekend show is about opinions, people hear ‘expert’ opinion and they take notice, what we’re bunk of the presenter or guests matters little, they have a huge audience

Is he Sunday only? Over 50k of a difference between the Saturday and the Sunday slot.