Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

how are we not at the peak Julio? Place is fairly shutdown a few weeks now

You’d imagine we are but the Nursing homes could be a problem.

Depends whether you’re talking about peak infections or peak deaths. If we’re not past peak infections, all these measures have been a waste of time. There’s at least a 2-4 week lag with deaths.

I am talking infections Labane

72k cases are completed Julio. That’s 14.7k tests per million. That’s a lot of tests and in the top few countries in the world.

I don’t think it’s been perfect but we tested a lot (relatively speaking) at the start. We dropped down the rankings a bit couple of weeks ago due to supply issues but not for want of trying.

“Abject failure” is a bit much.

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Actual infections have to be past the peak in Ireland, test data is lagging.

The Germans have done them for us you mean. The overall numbers are decent, but we’d be fucked if the Germans weren’t doing them for us

time to be a little more optimistic then?

They’ve got the tests completed one way or the other, would you prefer to be in the UK’s situation? Or other European countries?

A good portion of the testing logistics is setting up the centres. The “late” swabs come from that effort.

People laughed at Varadkar going on about South Korea but we’re way ahead of them, by hook or by crook.


Always likely we’d have to fob off some amount of testing abroad. We just don’t have the lab capacity here to do the numbers involved efficiently.

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I think so, but would still expect deaths to be high this week and taper off next week.

You’re all over the shop here

That would be people bringing their kids to rugby training.

The HSE are taking credit for tests they farmed out to Germany like they’ve pulled off some major feat.

As you said yourself, what difference does it make? :man_shrugging:t2:

The Germans are some operators in fairness

I haven’t listened to it since BoC took over and it’s a few years since I listened to it when Marian was alive, but I think I had the wit (and so would most listeners) to pay no attention to what the likes of regular contributors like Stephen the baldy fella who was in the PDs had to say for himself.

If Germany pull the plug we’re caught with the pants down and the lad in the hand

We are one of the largest pharmaceutical exporters in the entire world. Not per head of population. Total. We are like 5th. If we haven’t the labs and the size of the place, no one has