Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Thank God we stuck with them and not the hapless British.


What if it goes to shit in Germany and they tell us to fuck off

If the sky falls down you, me and Geordio Chicken Licken are all fucked. Bizarre angle.

Why would Germany “pull the plug” on this?

You’re all over the place here.

Why don’t other countries farm it out if it’s so simple?

Because they hate you

Ich liebe das Deutsch!

I’d imagine they are trying to build their own operations to future proof themselves if/when there’s a second wave

And we aren’t?

Why can’t you do both at the same time?

Bizarre angle here.

Christ above, the hysterical scutter like this that passes for “debate” on this forum, the writer of the above wouldn’t be out of place in a creche fighting over the Duplo.

Stick to counting mate, pharmaceutical manufacturing and diagnostic testing are as related as farming and tractor manufacturing.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with project planning.

If we’ve created a temporary external dependency on Germany while we scale up our ability to meet the stated goals, that’s fine.

If we’ve created a permanent external dependency by farming this off to Germany, while not doing anything with our own capacity, that’s bad.

It depends what’s happening in the background here with our own capacity management

You always plan for the sky falling down scenario mate

We’re a small country with limited lab capacity and limited lab technicians available to process thousands of tests. They could probably get through all the tests alright but doing it quickly enough is the problem.

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This is what will solve the testing issue.


Then why communicate a goal of 15k a day when you know you don’t have capacity. The messaging and transparency around testing has been mishandled.

Why did they shy away from answering questions about the backlog for a week?

HSE CEO Paul Reid has said the HSE’s focus is now on scaling up capacity to test and contact trace.
Speaking at a briefing this morning, he said there are 25 labs in Ireland to help build up capacity for coronavirus testing and contact tracing.
This includes the Department of Agriculture scaling up its capacity to test.

That would suggest we will need to keep exporting tests in the shorter term, it’s mad if lads think we would or could have the same laboratory capacity as an industrial superpower like Germany

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Has anyone checked if it works yet? Doesn’t matter the UK will buy them regardless

Lads shouting for the sake of it.

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An excellent summary, and one that is understood by some posters on this thread, but will fly over the heads of the rest.