Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Yes it works, it’s been approved by the FDA. Where it will make a huge difference is hospitals, nursing homes etc. to test all staff and essential visitors on a regular basis.

Emergency use approval. Hardly the same

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No one said that. Anywhere.

We have a population of 5m people. We don’t need anywhere near the same capacity in order to carry out our tests. Obviously. You are just deliberately misunderstanding what I said. But sure carry on.

They wouldn’t approve it if it didn’t work, the FDA are very conservative. It’s all relative anyway, false negatives are a big issue with the existing tests.

@anon78624367 is a scientist.

Ireland doesn’t have the labs, the equipment, or the trained staff to do the amount of testing required. It isn’t like a pregnancy test.

People still think we can stop it, and the government messaging hasn’t been very clear on this, which won’t help when it comes to the hysterical types when we are reopening things.

As I’ve said for ages, this is just about everyone getting it slowly enough that the health service can cope. It’s not possible to stop it, it may not even be desirable to do so since you need people to get it eventually, a complete stop would be bad.
The talks of a vaccine in a year, or at least one that can be rolled out, seem to be fantasy going by what experts say.


Finally some sense out of you.

Been saying it for months kid

Good to see @Julio_Geordio not screaming hysterically for a change


We’ll be in the pubs drinking pints watching games of hurling by the June bank holiday


Open it up to fuck

Mon ta fuck

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Leave it alone for the week. Met eireann have been taking the piss with weather forecasting. It is sumptuous here in Praia Da Mungret.


Let it in long

I’ll give it another 250 posts on this thread before lads are listing their Limerick championship starting teams.

Open it up ta fuck.

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This was the point of Sweden and Iceland and them taking a different course.

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Being smaller seemed to help at the start. We had a great start testing, as did a lot of other smaller countries.

It gets harder when the big boys are looking for materials for hundreds of thousands of daily tests vs us. We still had the lab half active last week because of chemical shortages.