Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Short term it won’t be too bad if we stay in lock down but long term it won’t be easy to return to what we call normal is my understanding of it

There will be no returning to normal unless we have a proven vaccine. Social distancing is the new normal.

I won’t lie I miss my family like fuck and hope I see them soon. Five weeks on my own in a house has me questioning everything. Hopefully the vaccine is found soon :pray:

So everyones fucked in reality so? Until a vaccine

Harris said today we’ll be social distancing until a vaccine is found.

I’m growing to absolutely fucking detest that phrase, “new normal”. Nothing about this is normal and shouldn’t be normalised. Its abnormal.


To what extent is the question?

2 metres

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So nothing really, once the pubs and the majority of everything else reopen it will be a free for all! In the cold light of day there is no holding back the tide on this.

The pubs won’t re open in 2020

I’ve no fucking clue

No one does!

Only hope is they figure out way more people have gotten it than we think and things go back to normal as a result

I don’t know mate. I’ve given up about worrying about it.

They will or they won’t. All I can realistically do is follow the guidelines and keep as occupied as I can.

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True Esteban enjoy life and control the controllables

Eh I told you this exact thing last week and you bit my fucking head off

12 week phased return to normal life from May 12, all going well pubs will be back in business just in time for the Auguast bank holiday

Depends on how you define fucked I suppose. I think most people would settle for following social distancing guidelines if they could go back to work.

There’s a lot of lads who have changed their tune since this thread was started. Lads who were talking about 18 month lockdowns have had their cough softened after 18 days stuck at home.

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“their cough softened”

You’re an awful man @anon7035031 :grin:

This will be the new normal