Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Herd immunity Herd immunity

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The penny certainly appears to be dropping for a few lads. Great to see it. Of course it won’t drop for all of them, there’s a good few here who already appear scarred for life alas, they are victims too in all this


Eek. There’s surely easier ways to let on you don’t know what you’re talking about here surely

A map made by the ECDC of laboratory testing capacity and capability per country, showing in fact Ireland had more relative capacity and capability than Germany before this. Yet somehow we shouldn’t be expected to compete with them?


Cc @Raylan

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That’s a good point. Maybe you should have used it the first time instead of talking about pharma companies.

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Ye’ve been made a show of

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Will you stop digging.
Germany has done 1.3 million tests. The UK has done 350K, Spain 355K, France 225K, Ireland 42.5K.
Whatever the fuck all these microbiology labs are doing, it ain’t COVID-19 testing.

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Hard to see pubs reopening in 2020, hard to see large sporting events taking place in 2020 unless behind closed doors. I think only top level association football can really manage this financially without stadiums being packed.

I don’t think hotels and restaurants really should be reopening until September at the very earliest and that depends on the progress made and with particular contingencies. I had a wedding I was meant to go to at the start of May but it’s been rearranged for the beginning of September - I’d be highly sceptical that this will happen then.

Retail shops and outlets should be able to reopen but in the near term but will need to have particular restrictions.

We’re probably looking at summer 2021 before we can start thinking of getting back to some sort of normality at the earliest.

Stay strong brothers and sisters. I didn’t enjoy today but the sun will come back up tomorrow and we will press the reset button.

72,500 tests as of today. That’s as of last Monday.

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How many of those were done in Germany?

16k I believe

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Eh that’s the point ffs. No one was doing covid 19 testing until recently, obviously. We have the capacity, relatively more than Germany in fact, but we are going cap in hand to them to save us because we’ve made a fuck of it.
Now we might be doing better than some places, but we should be comparing ourselves with the best, we are by any metric, per person, one of the richest countries in the World. We should be competing with the best of them

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You said earlier that other European countries weren’t outsourcing to them as they were tooling up for a second wave and implying so should we. :man_shrugging:t2:

The issue is that the availability of the chemical which they have a lot of. Not sure how “that’s making a balls” of it. You do what you can with what’s available to you with the strategy you have. Again, would you have been happier to leave it and not outsource some tests?

Paddy has started lifting restrictions himself if the various games of soccer in Ringsend Park today is anything to go by.

Matt Hancock made the same point.

How was Germany able to ramp up testing so quickly?

“Health Secretary Matt Hancock has suggested the strength of the German pharmaceutical and biotech industries was a big factor.”

Will I keep going or have ye had enough embarrassment for one night? Cc @Raylan

Which is the exact opposite of what the governments strategy was. They went with a testing strategy they never had capacity to process.

Wasn’t the an agent issue to complete tests?

Of course not, but then I didn’t say that anywhere did I?

All I said was the HSE have been saved from their own incompetence by luck, as the Germans were so competent that they had extra testing capacity.

Going by the ECDC report, we were actually in a better position than them coming into this, but they’ve turned it around in a matter of day’s.

Obviously it’s better that someone does the tests, but it needs to be us. Because we’ve seen it’s every country for itself in this when the shit hits the fan

The issue has always been the scale at which results can be processed. They scaled up testing and didnt have backend capacity to process them, creating a huge backlog. They’ve had a couple of months to scale up processing but either cant or haven’t and had to get outside help

It all has to do with an ability to social distance until a vaccine is found, while at the same time trying to build up herd immunity.

You would think that 50,000 people together in a stadium is gone for quite a while.

It is a challenge for pubs but I think some will try to find a way of making it work in the relative short term.