Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Go to every week that we reported tests completed and look at us relatively speaking.

Varadkar said on March 23rd that we were trying to replicate South Korea. At that stage they had 6,700 tests completed per million and we had c 6,200. We were not far behind at that point. SK now has 10,000 per million completed and we have nearly 15k.

I wouldn’t call that an abject failure by any means. Even if you strip out the “German” tests we’d still be ahead of them.

It’s bizarre to me that people are criticising them for seeking alternative labs when there are resource pinch points.

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Nobody, anywhere on this thread has criticised them for that. Why are you making things up? Is it so you can win an argument against imaginary points that haven’t been made? Bizarre

Just because you have more microbiology labs per capita doesn’t mean you can do more COVID-19 testing ffs. It’s like saying because you have more telescopes you can send more people to the moon. The equipment needed for a COVID-19 type test is highly specialized, as are the reagents, etc. Once you have the equipment and the staff trained to use it, you should be able to scale up quickly as they run hundreds of tests at a time.

Except that is just wrong. They wanted SK numbers, they have still exceeded them even without German tests.

You came in and posted something stupid on testing and have dug in here bizarrely.

Up to 21 days turn around in getting results seems like a failure and it seems contact tracing wasn’t performed until a positive result. At which point it’s pointless

They went with a strategy that they had no capacity for, which you’ve already agreed was a bad idea

You said they “abjectly failed” on testing. How?

Here is Varadkar’s statement on SK.

On that date Ireland had completed 6,200 tests per million vs SK’a 6,700. Ireland has now passed them out.

We had more capability and more capacity than Germany, before this according to the experts. I know you’ve declared yourself an expert so include yourself amongst them but still. It’s very simple, especially for an expert like yourself.

Booking tables in pubs will be the first step.

Tables of 2-4 people spaced out around the pub.

Won’t work after fellas 5th pint though.

Did it take South Korea 21 days to get results on tests? You’ve ignored the most important variable of time here.

21 days and no contact tracing until a positive result, at which point its pointless

Fire up the source that says Ireland had more capability and capacity than Germany to do COVID-19 testing… and I’m not an expert, but I’m a lot closer to one than you are.

They were running 1,500 tests a day, very early on in the process. On Saturday they ran 1,600 in Ireland. Hardly a resounding success.

Maybe the reason they started so well, is actually relatively, we were in a strong position lab wise etc, as I’ve outlined above. Which seems to really have upset some of ye for some reason :joy:

Since then we’ve made no progress on our testing rates. We are supposed to be at 15,000, we are just over 1,500. An abject failure.

You should be able to turn a test around in 2-3 days, especially in a country where you can drive the sample to the lab from anywhere.

How many metres closer?


Because every person with a wild ailment in the country was looking for one, around 20k per day at one point, so they have lots of swabs.

I don’t think it has been fantastic by any means, but abject failure is a bit much. I’d have other criticisms to yours including a lack of daily updates on completed tests.

But go to every single week on reported cases for Ireland and compare to other countries. The weekly efforts were not that bad, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I pointed out repeatedly on here when yourself and other lads were going on about us being 2 weeks behind Italy to look at the relative testing at those points and us.

But we haven’t been able to do so as we haven’t the backend to process it. We scaled up the front end and left the backend hanging

I think people will try as much as possible to adhere to it. There may be a policing issue needed though which will be a challenge.

Some turnaround in this thread in the space of a few days.


The sunny bank holiday weekend has lads itching for a break out

By backend do you mean the equipment, reagents and trained staff? If yes, then correct.
@Julio_Geordio thinks they grow on trees.