Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I was at the vet yesterday with the dog, got a good view of how things will work. No one allowed in except staff, all staff had PPE and there was an employee checking temp of all staff as they entered. Replace the thermometer with a saliva test and that’s the future or new normal as you say.

Short, if not sweet tonight and outdoors. His team were in full crisis management mode I’d say

Sounds like just another day in California

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Trump and Kraft have many mutual hobbies I hear

Very. Its shameful to see how polarised they’ve become. There’s fuck all independent media outlets in the US anymore.

I’d argue that is not the case. Ever before Trump came along CNN strayed further and further from the provision unbiased news.

I would be left leaning myself but CNN is no longer a credible source for news.


Open her up ta fuck

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Recovery is an interesting topic probably deserving of its own thread. I suspect things have gone too far for things to simply go back to normal. People’s behaviours will have changed (for the worse, in my opinion) off the back of social distancing and the lockdown. They’ll be more inclined to stay home, shop online, avoid human contact, etc.

This all points to the end for a lot of small businesses that closed and will never reopen. The retail sector was already in trouble before coronavirus, and now we’re starting to see big businesses using this as an opportunity to trim the fat (e.g. Debenhams shutting all of its Irish stores).

The damage caused to the economy is irreparable, and it’s a Walter Mitty fantasy to think the economy will bounce back. It won’t. My opening post still stands.

The measures that have been taken have been taken on the back of experts models that predicted millions of deaths, to stop ICU’s being overwhelmed and people dying without access to health care. The U.S model alone woke Trump up and even he put a pause on the economy.

There are already 100’s of thousands of deaths despite almost the whole world being in lockdown. Let that settle

Now, do you really think there is a global conspiracy to unilaterally shut down the economy? Who’s behind it?

The economy was fucked either way as soon as the virus started spreading

'Tis a bit mad how some of the same people who were previously crying about governments not taking the Coronavirus seriously are now calling for things to go back to normal.

'Tis a bit mad how those who never took it seriously in the first place think the amount of deaths that have happened under lockdowns they didn’t want show it was never a serious problem.

There are a lot of things that are more than a bit mad about some of the bad faith actors in this thread.

Open it up ta fuck

This is just absolute nonsense. We needed a six week total lock down. We spent two weeks doing a Mickey Mouse lock down wasting time. I was in favour of full lock down. After six weeks of a proper one I’d be in favour of slowly coming back out of it. What exactly are you in favour of ? An 18 month lock down isn’t it?

With all respect, how do you know better what was needed?

How do you mean better?

@Dziekanowski wants society to implode and a version of a communist party to take control here.

In fairness, it’s been a recipe for success in most countries so far

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@Dziekanowski will you please outline what you want?

You want lots of people to die, society to implode and a far right fascist party to take control, in fairness, that’s worked in a lot of countries.

All so you can go to the pub for a pint

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We can go back to life as it was before just with no pubs and no crowds at sport.

Lads need to reframe their expectations of what life is now. Any lad over 30 crying out for the pub needs to have a look in the mirror.


Fucked is a relative concept. Going to nearly 20% unemployment, countries subsidising wages everywhere and nearly a third knocked off lots of countries GDPs in one quarter is unprecedented.

The behavioural changes he talks about are a huge concern. Not only that, but a huge amount of back office white collar work may be lost now as companies realise how unnecessary a lot of it is. Universal income is pretty untested at this point but will be expedited.