Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Again though, as has been pointed out over and over to you.

  • deaths: please recognise that these are not final. Denmark may have been somewhat fortunate to have more home care and not large institutions like us, that is certainly another layer of complexity but wait until actual mortality is shown.

  • Denmark have tested less and considerably so as of last week when they started to reopen schools. Not only that, we have added several thousand tests from the backlog to our numbers. Those positives come from the earlier and peak infection periods - Denmark never did that. They are testing more now but do not have the relative coverage we have for that period.

You keep looking at things in isolation.

Even so, let’s suppose things are really far worse here, there is not reason not to have some form of a roadmap.

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So you’re saying we should open up because you think another government has got their numbers wrong?

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I’m sure it is being planned. I’m also sure it’s not being shared for good reason. Manage expectations

People are forgetting the issue with the north also, that’s another complexity that has to be factored in, which doesn’t exist in other places

It’s a double edged sword bro.

Start making plans and people get excited and ready for road.

Backtrack on plans because Rates of Infection are not where we need them and people get rowdy.

At the moment we are doing well because we are being socially responsible. It’s a stones but it is working.

We’ll open up slowly in May (not pubs, not large sporting events). People need to be conditioned to accept an ongoing change in their lives and increased deaths but it is not sustainable to support over 1m newly unemployed indefinitely with no functioning economy.



Some cunt on RTE this morning saying a pub was safest place to drink. The publicans would be the first to call for prohibition of alcohol if pubs were not allowed open. Absolute cunts.

But people are ready for road harry and people are getting restless. I agree with most things they’ve done so far and extending to May 5th was correct but we have to start opening things up again after that. Slowly and safely but it has to happen. People are going to continue to die from Covid 19, that’s just a fact. There may never be a vaccine for Covid 19, that’s another fact. There’s nearly a million people receiving social welfare payments in Ireland now. Do we keep doing that for another few months? Keep delaying hospital treatment for thousands of people? Keep young people cooped up in houses despite the fact that most of them will be absolutely fine if they get the disease if they haven’t already done so?


No - I have said that we should have a roadmap.

I’ve also pointed out the errors in just making like for like comparisons.

You’ll note when I made comparisons to Denmark a few weeks ago, I used quite a few different stats. I also pointed out the limitation of those.

You’ve said yourself that once hospital capacity is fine and the curve is flattened then we should look to reopen, what’s changed?

Nothings changed. That’s the way forward in my opinion. I’m sure it’s happening in the background, and I’m in agreement with it not being communicated, to manage expectation.

All the health experts here are saying you need a 48 hour test/trace/isolate cycle. We aren’t there. Yet. We will be. When they are confident in that process, I think they’ll communicate a plan.

They have a lot to do in parallel, scale up the process I’ve just mentioned, protect vulnerable people, clear the backlog, keep an eye on the North, guard against complacency.

You’ve ignored the complexity with the north also, we have to align with them. As much as it might seem they’ll cooperate, they’ll measure advice from the UK, against ours, and the UK are in a much worse place than we are.

Have patience.

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All reasonable and correct. It’ll fall on deaf ears.

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I hope you’re right. Harris coming out over the weekend saying what he did would make me wonder though.

Harris is a politician, not a health expert

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It exists everywhere else, even more so. Germany borders 9 other countries, all of which have different policies.


They’ve communicated pessimisticly since the start. I think we’re getting messages through politicians from health experts, unfiltered.

Compare with Trump who’s outwardly optimistic and ignoring/contradicting his experts, creating false hope.

Which would you prefer?

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False hope for me

My point about dangerous narratives is proven exactly. What people in the public eye say has consequences. The likes of Brendan O’Connor and Ivan Yates have been irresponsible in recent weeks in having gobshites like Michael O’Keeffe on. Gobshites being allowed to rant in public are how you get what have in the US at the moment.

Do Germany have the ability to manage their borders with those countries and shut down movement if needs be?

There is a precarious footing in the North, politically that has to be managed. It’s not easy that’s for sure

Classic commie approach there. Only people with the “right opinions” should be given air

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