Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The north is doing fine despite a basket case government in Westminster.

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Do you think Arlene will align or at least measure guidance from here without talking to Westminster? I’m glad they’re doing well, but aligning reopening will be sticky, in my opinion.

“Marketplace of opinions”

“Only those opinions which generate reaction are of any worth”

Not sure who you are quoting there but thanks

The Ulster Council has done a magnificent job in protecting public health.

If we reopen before the UK, do you think we will have more or less people travelling from the UK?

Is the political will there to ban travel?

Depends. I’d say restrictions will lift in the north after the south due to how matters are in the UK at present.

Is that the only choice? Either Trump’s approach or ours?

Look I don’t necessarily disagree with anything you’re saying just that in absence of anything approaching a plan being communicated you are assuming that there is one just that they’re not telling us. I hope you’re right but when the minister for health is throwing out glib statements that permanently threaten the livelihoods of thousands of people I would wonder.

The North has been socially distancing from long before it was cool

Das Abitur (equivalent of leaving cert in Germany) is taking place in high school gymnasiums all over Germany today. The Germans realise it is quite important to get the next generation of young professionals on the road and they are right.


The nationalist areas are doing better than the unionist areas. The taigs followed the south while the tans put their faith in boris and their precious union

One other variable to add in to any discussion on testing and test results is the accuracy of the test.

Lots of small and medium building sites opening up again this week in the capital, roads busier, open it up to fuck

It would be a perfect opportunity to carry out road upgrades and improvements without causing major delays and general upheaval.

South London is full of roadworks alright today

Six weeks of it now. Don’t know how much longer it’s sustainable for the country at large without an easing of restrictions. On a personal level I’ve been more or less shutdown economically. Fortunately a low enough concern at the moment as I’m comfortable financially and can ride it out for a while yet. Not everyone in that boat though.

Where I do have problems though is managing three kids, one with non-verbal autism. The biggest headache is my mother had a serious procedure carried out earlier this year following on from cancer. Issues have arisen now and she’s stuck in a provincial hospital last two weeks, without the expertise and input that’s needed. She can’t get into where she needs to be in Dublin as they won’t look at you there unless you’ve Covid.


That’s a shit situation to be in, sorry about that. One of the unintended consequences of the lockdown and everything in your post is why we have to start opening up again.


I thought white van drivers would be very busy at the minute?

Talking to the auld fella there, the mood is changing, over 70’s being told to stay at home for another year, they are not having it mate. NOT HAVING IT

Existing ain’t living.