Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Things are starting to turn here, they need to start easing restrictions or people are going to get more pissed off.

All the very best wishes re. family difficulties Dan. You’re one of the finest posters to ever lay fingers on a keyboard.


Our shite health service hasn’t gone away unfortunately.

My own mother was ill over Christmas and I had made a point of checking in with her every fortnight but now I’m stuck in Dublin I’ve not seen her in 7 weeks.

Herself and my father are well and truly sick of it now.


@ChairmanDan that sounds like a seriously tough station at the moment. Have you an exemption from the gardai to bring your kids to somewhere suitable for your autistic son? I know there was talk about it and I cant imagine any garda would have a problem with it within reason. Hope Mammy Dan is as well as can be expected as well.

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That’s a tough set of circumstances to deal with. This time will pass too and ye will all come out the other side. It’s an incredible strain financially to deal with but it sounds like you put yourself in a position to weather this a small bit.

On the human side hopefully there will be more good days and bad days with your child and full resources will be available soon but and also that your mam will get the care she needs.


Yeah, guards have been spot on. We went down to Waterford when it all kicked off to be close to the coast so head to the beach now every day and put on the wetsuits to swim and surf. He’s completely routine driven. Forgot about school after first few days, going to beach every day is his new norm now. Just before the restrictions were ratcheted up, friendly guard that stopped us said it might be no harm to have a GP letter to allow travel outside of 2km in case a bollix of a guard started throwing his weight around. So got that.

I brought my mother to her GP and then straight into hospital from there two weeks ago. A security guard brought her from the car park to reception and other than medical personnel, nobody has seen her since. It’s been difficult to get to the bottom of it because you can’t pin down anyone to talk to over the phone. We were told two weeks that it wasn’t possible to get her into Beaumont or the Mater where she needs to be. Things have alleviated somewhat there since, so might be a chance of a transfer in next few days.


Good luck with it pal. Life is tough


Some building sites opening in the next few days. Might be just some which were building social housing schemes

Tell them sort their wills out if there going to head back & about pal.

Catch yourself on there mate.

Best of luck @ChairmanDan you’ve a lot on but you’re well able. Whenever it opens up we should set up a list of lads businesses and direct people that way.

Ps no @Mac this doesn’t mean you should reopen the brewery


All the best Dan.

Send me a PM ref the young fella, I might be able to organise a day trip if he is interested.


Good luck Dan. My son was at a special needs school and I was only saying to my wife how difficult it must be for them kids under these conditions. Your child though has obviously a great family around them which many don’t.


Best of luck @ChairmanDan

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The northern Italian city and surrounding Lombardy region are among Europe’s most polluted, and have also been especially hard hit by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Well fancy that. Air pollution in severe acute respiratory syndrome shocker.

New York’s air quality wouldn’t be great either. You’s also wonder about the effects of 9/11, the EPA totally misled people in the aftermath regarding toxins in the air, something they have since admitted. Something like 37,000 were registered in NY by 2011 as having acute respiratory sicknesses related to 9/11, I wonder how many of those have died in the past few weeks.


Ireland’s economy projected to shrink by 10% with unemployment to peak at 22%, with recovery not expected until 2022, according to the Department of Finance.

2022 wouldn’t be a bad result in fairness.

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Yes, and a veritable chemical stew, dioxins, PCBs, cement, etc.