Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Open it up - this cant be allowed go on indefinitely.

An old neighbor of mine, mother of one of my best pals growing up died because of this in the last couple of days, she was one of the ‘underlying conditions’ ones as she had been ill in recent years, but she had a decent quality of life and was only beginning the grandmother journey in the past few years, a mighty woman who would still be with us were it not for covid 19, she would have died anyway in the next ten years or so but it’s a weak argument.
If your fucked for work it’s fair enough to be desperately annoyed, if you’re pissed off cause you can’t go to the pub or the bookies you need to cop on,
There’ll be a time for everything, a time to sort out the economy and deal with mental health, this is the time to do what we can to help the vulnerable, we’ve done great, shouldn’t be much longer


May she rest in peace

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Part time workers will never do an honest days work again after getting this uplift of 350 euro a week.

Why would you bother? When taxes will be raised etc

Ireland is gone for 10 years lads, back to the 1930’s style economy for ye unfortunately.

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That’s a temporary measure.

savage cuts coming, welfare, public sector, massive tax hikes, half the country will unemployed in 2 years, the day of reckoning is coming, christ it will be horrendous. Lads will have plenty of time for baking and walking. The country will be left in utter devastation.


Very hard to withdraw something when the circumstances wont have changed pal.

It’s gonna be epic can’t wait.

Because you can’t live on 350 a week for 12 weeks or whatever for the rest of your life?

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The people who were working part-time 12-20 hours certainly can.

The circumstances will have changed the country is going to gradually reopen. People will have cash because they aren’t spending now. This economic doomsday nonsense is a cod. It will be difficult but not nearly as difficult as being made out. The economy will recover.

It’s for 12 weeks. They’ll have cash as things start to reopen because they wont have been spending. Money will start circulating pretty quickly again

Hopefully you’re right. I’m not so sure pal.

I’m just stacking it up now.

Cash is king.

Stacking pallets with a forklift?

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Its not like nobody has money. A good portion of the workforce are WFH, essential services. Those that aren’t are supplemented. As things reopen there’ll be cash about.

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Pallets of oil barrells stuffed with cash.


Cashless society isnt far off, mate.

Not a fan of that at all myself personally. But its on the way.

There is a wall of money coming from Europe. The next big risk is going to be hyper inflation

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