Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It shouldn’t because production costs will be low, probably lower than before because of the price of oil. Any inflation we’ll see will be during the crisis as pressure comes on supply chains. As it reopens inflation isn’t a major risk

350x12 =€4,200

Call me crazy but I don’t think its possible to live on €4,200 for 50 years

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I got paid last week. After bills paid and grocery shop etc I gave a lad 60 euro that I owed him and that’s all I’ve spent. Bought the child a book as well for a tenner actually. 70 euro in total. Lots of people will have money to spend once things open up.


I’m going buck ape when it opens up. For the country like


There’ll be demand for goods and low cost. I fail to see how that adds to inflation

If its for 12 weeks - fair enough.

Thanks @anon78624367

It’s for 12 weeks

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Buck ape buying Irish whiskey from the UK

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Very few people who worked before this won’t go back after it.

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And quickly, as things open up.

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Do you understand that this is a temporary arrangement mate?

Buck. Ape.

If we stayed in this form of lockdown for 12 or 18 months then it’s a probability. As things stand we’re looking at another couple of weeks as things start opening up.

I haven’t seen anything about that in the news but I hope you’re right.

There’s no appetite to open up anything mate - certainly politically.

I’d almost guarantee construction will be back may 4th along with a loosening of travel restrictions and some form of school reopening even for leaving certs

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Eoin o Broin in tha house!

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I think there might be. I’ve a feeling public opinion is starting to turn that way

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Sincerely hope thats the case.