Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It’s never been about public opinion, they are going with the guidance of their experts almost exclusively. Our cases are dropping and what we are seeing in terms of deaths if the lag in peak cases to death. We’ll be in a relatively good place may 4th I think, or hope

I hope so too.

But I think it does. These lads are politicians first and foremost. They’re well able to ignore public health experts and scientists when it suits.

They haven’t so far to be fair to them.

I don’t envy them relaxing measures and trying to keep everyone from going cuckoo bananas straight away.

No but public opinion and health expert advice has lined up.

It’d be interesting if it was to significantly deviate.

It looks that way because it’s been well managed to a certain extent. There was a bit of a push on holohan to explain why people coming back in didnt have to isolate etc. Also there was a push against the testing strategy a few weeks ago.

People who think things won’t be that bad haven’t really thought much about it. Tourism and pubs/restaurants are finished for a long time. The knock on effect that’ll have is absolutely huge.

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I think the lock everyone down until we get a vaccine brigade are underplaying it as it suits their agenda. Tourism decimated for at least a year, pubs, hotels, restaurants all fucked but this won’t have any economic impact apparently.


These guys are living in cloud cuckoo land, they want 100s of thousands living on the streets before they’ll budge. Thankfully the public mood has shifted considerably the last couple of days and reason is coming back to the fore. We start putting Humpty Dumpty back together again within weeks

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I’m no expert but one thing that crossed my mind was during the last recession a lot of people left for oz/nz and to a lesser extent the u.s. If we are hit hard here which looks very likely countries may not be as open to take people in so the number of people on social welfare could be huge. This will be very bad imo.


I’ve heard of people on about coming home from Oz for that reason already

If you think of the last recession - it took 3 or 4 years to get to 16/17% unemployment, this can be done now within 3 or 4 months. Only it’ll be 22% - which is a department of finance figure thats playing things down potentially.

People will holiday at home this year as nobody will fly. It’ll be hard to book a hotel in Ireland come July @KinvarasPassion has locked in Liffey Valley

Lads may have more money being kept out of pubs

Restaurants with social distancing can open. That should not be a huge challenge

You’re coming across as a particularly stupid prick at times.

If they reopen too early and there is a second wave, things have to close again. Doing it once is hard enough, having to do it again will be far worse.

A lot of the economic damage has been done already. It’s about recovering properly now and safely.

Not if there’s nothing to do or no where to go, might as well just social distance in your own home then pay for the privilage elsewhere

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And not only that these people have aided our recovery hugely in the past three or four years returning home to start life in Ireland after doing really well abroad. It’s going to be very tough. Students looking for part time work/summer jobs to help pay for college are in a tough position as well.

What about Ireland?


If that’s the case we would not need checkpoints to stop lads heading here there and everywhere

Everything won’t be closed.

[quote=“Esteban_de_la_Sexfac, post:1957, topic:30864, full:true”]
You’re coming across as a particularly stupid prick at times.

If they reopen too early and there is a second wave, things have to close again. Doing it once is hard enough, having to do it again will be far worse.

A lot of the economic damage has been done already. It’s about recovering properly now and safely.

There easily could be 10+ waves of this pal until there’s a vaccine. What we’re doing is lowering the curve.

Some sites working on social housing schemes reopened today in what I assume is some form of trial

And do you think it will be better to reopen and close for each of these 10 waves? The cost involved in opening and closing makes this a non goer.