Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

In fairness, a lot of what’s in there has been posted here by the same cohort that have been calling for a common sense approach to dealing with the virus.

It’s interesting to see this point being made:

Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.

I’d like to get the thoughts of the “nobody is allowed to die” brigade. These deaths are very needless.


The UK is unlocking the lockdown. Great leadership. Testing is gone through the roof and 18k contact tracers in place by mid may.

Hancocks knighthood guaranteed now you would think


Once the UK mobilises at all they can go from first gear to top gear in no time. That level of testing and contact tracers is very impressive.

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I didn’t think they’d make the 100k target. Matt Hancock means business. Time to get the country back moving

It would inspire a lot of confidence having a fella like Hancock who was educated at Oxford and Cambridge to navigate through the crisis unlike having a guy who dropped out of a journalistic degree at DIT and made the tea for Frances Fitzgerald.


He changed the rules to include tests in the post. Ffs more time spent on counting tests than bodies

They’ve already failed the dead, hopefully they wont fail the living.


Don’t mind the dead. Time to start moving and start worrying about people who are alive and need to be working

One of the biggest killers in the world is obesity. I’m sure those lads would be happy to have the likes of Leo dictate strict restrictions and monitoring of what they eat every day and enforced exercise. It would save many many multiples of lives compared to this lockdown. Same goes for alcohol. Prohibition here we come. The stage has been set… All lives matter.


They have around 12 times our population but have more than 20 times our deaths every day. And we’re not doing great by any means

High Wycombe have the right idea.

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Scientists working for the US military have designed a new Covid-19 test that could potentially identify carriers before they become infectious and spread the disease, the Guardian has learned.

In what could be a significant breakthrough, project coordinators hope the blood-based test will be able to detect the virus’s presence as early as 24 hours after infection – before people show symptoms and several days before a carrier is considered capable of spreading it to other people. That is also around four days before current tests can detect the virus.

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and Spain have an even harsher lockdown and they are doing not much better, open it up to fuck, lockdowns are only a farce to make it look like the government are doing something, anyone under 80 isn’t at risk

In the words of the late great Bill Hicks, “if you’re so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries”.

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As bad and all as Harris is, and he is fucking bad, Leo is a complete joke. He announced today that two more weeks of tight restrictions are needed to weaken the virus further. Is this dude seriously a doctor? You weaken a virus through building immunity. You build immunity through exposure. I’m convinced he’s a WUM. He has to be.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s buddy, Pamela Pupkin, has a better handle on things.


he’s only a waffler

He’s appealing to the audience that believe the virus can be defeated by hiding from it, that it will pack it in and go home to China if we stay locked up long enough. Even TFK is down to the last few simpletons that buy that line of thinking.