Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

Lads who grew up in privileged areas always associated more with England than Ireland… It’s a post colonial hangover that’s thankfully dying away.


That would be why support for English football teams is much stronger in working class areas of Ireland than in privileged areas?

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Sorry mate, is that directed at me again? ‘Twas far from privilege and grew up but we don’t need to go into that


Shur you sang about the old IRA, that’s as good as singing about the provos. You’re alright.

The audit trail has me thinking it was myself you were referencing, why would you have said I was from Blackrock to explain my lack of enthusiasm for the IRA?
I had no privilege, quite the opposite in many respects,so your hypothesis is sketchy at best

Some fellas here would only love to take the soup

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Simon Harris can shit in his hat

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Simon Harris’s stock has fallen massively. He was being described as a future Taoiseach when Minister for Health during the early stages of the pandemic but he’s pretty much a laughing stock these days in a low profile ministry.

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He’s sneaking around in the background briefing people and being a snake. You jist know it. He’ll be back. Apparently he’s popular with women folk.

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Lads ye are after breaking out an awful streak in me that I thought was gone with 25 years. Casually following the permanently outraged with joy over the last couple of days since the girls gave a great rendition along with ye lads here has brought out long forgotten memories and great joy. So much so, after been on calls all week with Matt, Rich, Ian and some cunt called Sergh who thinks he’s English, I’d enough today. After all the false “have a good weekend mate” wishes I retorted with UP THE RA and took to the cabinet in the good room. The Wolfe Tones were hit first, Éire Óg next and I’m now 6/7 deep in with “The lid of me Granny’s bin” going fair strong. If this keeps up lads the way tis goin the Wolfe Tones will put Garth Brooks in the ha’penny place next summer. Tis great to be alive and to be Irish.

Any harm in asking did the girls win the match after ?


That was an iconic moment all the same

A soldier came right up the stairs, a rifle in his hand. She kicked him with her button boots and along the hall she ran. Then up and stepped another one, some medals for to win, but all he right up the gob was the lid of me Granny’s bin

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This is glorious. Wimins soccer have made the Ra mainstream


@Cheasty has actually destroyed a few lads. Absolutely driven demented so they are.

Fair fucks.

Didn’t realise you were so hardcore

What about your missus?

Cheasty is on one side and Conor Mcgregor is the landmark for the other side

It’s absolutely fascinating

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Make sure to turn the lights off harry. Someone might see you behind the curtain