Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army


A lot of verses but no proper singalong chorus.


I’d love to see a response in kind by @fulvio. It would be like the Neil Young/Lynyrd Skynrd days.

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Hell of a URL

Can’t post it. Edit. Now I have it.

Irish Times’ Major McDowell called his editor a ‘white n!gger’


January 26 2003 12:11 AM

THE longest-serving editor of the Irish Times, Douglas Gageby, was labelled a “white n!gger” by the company Chairman Major Thomas McDowell, because of the newspaper’s coverage of the North at the outset of the conflict in 1969.

The description was used by the Major, in a conversation with the-then British Ambassador in Dublin, Andrew Gilchrist, at a time when the Irish Times chairman was offering himself as a British-Irish go-between.

It was repeated in a letter from Gilchrist to WKK (Kelvin) White, attached to the Western European Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, dated October 2, 1969.

The contacts were being made in the wake of the sending of British troops to the Bogside, the murder of Samuel Devanney, batoned to death by the RUC and just weeks before the Provisional/Official IRA split.

Gilchrist’s letter, which followed a lunch with McDowell on October 2, 1969, began by saying that the Major’s concern over the Irish Times editorial line had been mentioned at previous meetings but “now he is hotter under the collar about it”.

The Ambassador wrote: "McDowall [sic] is one of the five [Protestant] owners of the Irish Times, and he and his associates are increasingly concerned about the line the paper is taking under its present [Protestant, Belfast-born] Editor, Gageby, whom he described as a very fine journalist, an excellent man, but on Northern questions a renegade or white n!gger.

“And apart from Gageby’s editorial influence, there is difficulty lower down, whereby sometimes unauthorised items appear and authorised items are left out.”

But McDowell went on to say he now felt that a certain degree of “guidance”, in respect of which lines were helpful and which unhelpful, might be acceptable to himself and one or two of his friends on the Irish Times board; “this was what he had had in mind in telephoning to No 10,” Gilchrist wrote.

“Oddly enough I had McDowell in mind in certain conversations I had in London a fortnight ago. His present approach requires rather careful handling and I shall discuss it in London next week. I am writing this letter merely in case you wish to brief No 10 and to assure them that we will do what we can to exploit this opening.”

Gilchrist ended the letter by saying he would be destroying the correspondence, which, however, was retained at the Foreign Office.

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Did they ever release the files on that poor man’s murder? They were blocked from release in around 2015/ 16 i think. Another British state murder in Ireland that was covered up.

Christ - this is simpleton level.

I’m fairly surprised that the lad who came up with it is familiar with Venn diagrams


I’ll tell what’s an interesting venn diagram, the pretend republicans and the lads who don’t want to help Ukraine or accept Ukrainian refugees
The same kind of fíor Gael Irishmen who boast that the Irish built America but don’t like immigrants.


You should call them out in a video

90% of the comments on this article are negative comments about Fintan the Toole and/or the Irish Times. You love to see it. He’s such a self-important cunt.

Most of the commentary on the subject since Hampden Park last Wednesday from the Pretend IRA/Glasgow Celtic crew can only be categorised as pure infantile.

The Irish were slave traders too, should we re-introduce that because we once did it? Youre a great man to cherry pick a bit of history you like to suit your agenda.

Circumstances change, we’re not obliged to act in a certain way because of historical circumstances, we should be acting on future predictions instead … There’s no future in history.

Also, you scream about Ukraine but you’d never for a second make a song and dance about helping Palestine who have suffered far worse at the hands of Israel. The wrong colour for you or not enough virtue in it to signal about?

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This post appears to be incoherent gibberish.

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Very similar to your own so it’s no surprise you recognized it.



Bitch, please

“appears” is a very generous inclusion here.


Have you got something to say?