Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

Not really. I just want to snigger at your efforts.


As i thought, another establishment lackey blowing wind.

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Post up some more funny pictures off Facebook mate, they were good.

I knew you’d like pictures.

What ‘Up the Ra’ really means

Sir, – Fintan O’Toole has done a great job in outlining many of the “achievements” of the IRA that could have formed other verses of “Up the Ra” (“The full, unexpurgated version of Up the Ra”, Opinion & Analysis, October 18th).

Let me add a couple of sporting ones. I had the privilege of playing rugby for the championship-winning Ireland teams of the 1980s. We had Special Branch officers sleeping on our corridors of the Shelbourne Hotel to protect us from the IRA as two of our Irish teammates from Ulster, Jimmy McCoy and Brian McCall, were in the RUC and the British army.

In 1987, three of our teammates – Nigel Carr, David Irwin and Philip Rainey – were driving down to Dublin for a training session before we went to the first Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. They were caught by an IRA bomb which could easily have killed them. It finished Nigel’s career. I was in a car in front of them with two of my other teammates, Trevor Ringland and Keith Crossan.

The fantastic achievements of our women’s soccer team deserve great praise and admiration. The “achievements” of the IRA and their loyalist counterparts certainly do not. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Hugo makes a fair point that the IRA didn’t hold the monopoly on violence nor on songs been sang ‘supporting’ them.

Hugo didn’t go on the tour to apartheid South Africa but he played for an organisation that supported it subsequently

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In fairness, he boycotted… But the rubby fraternity have very little to be saying here but it hasn’t stopped them.

In fairness he did but if these things aren’t time delimited he shouldn’t have played for the IRFU again

Supporters of irish rubby support apartheid??

That seems to be the logic applied by Fine Gael here. Surely they apply logic consistently.

Also, Hugo fails to mention what the teammates in the RUC and British army were up to during the 80s.

Hugo is grandstanding off the back of a FOT article playing to his FG roots

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Hugo would want to wind his fuckin neck in.

Well said Hugo MacNeill.

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Would Hugo run for President?

You are saying his team mates were up to no good in the RUC and army? I suppose it never stopped that cunt Davy Tweed playing for Ireland. You’d wonder were there any Munster rubby heads who had a cut off Tweed in the dressing room for being an orange kiddy fiddler.

Joe having a cut off Rintin O’Toole

Point well made by Hugo.

This controversy has inevitably turned into the usual juvenile rantings from the likes of @Thomas_Brady and Pretend IRA types about 800 years of oppression. The most disconcerting aspect to it all is almost the complete lack of comment and awareness about how ‘Ooh Ah Up the Ra’ were ‘at war’ and did not recognise the State of Eire that these ladies were representing.

The Irish rubby team were the first out to murder the boys in the GPO. They’ve long been tan apologists further to supporting the inhuman apartheid regime in south Africa.

You’re talking to a guy from a country that invented concentration camps in South Africa and you expect him to condemn a rugby match :smiley:

Dan is a big supporter of the millions of lives taken by the British empire you should know that by now, an oul rugby match would be no bother to him.


More incoherent babbling from @Thomas_Brady.